Chapter 1-Meeting

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I sat in my English class ear buds in and hoody up. King for a day by Pierce the Veil played. I sighed singing along,wishing that I could just kidnap Kellin Quinn and keep him hostage to act out my numerous fantasies. Wow I sound like a creeper.

I shook my head and looked at the teacher. Ms. Jameson was a good teacher. How she got stuck a bunch of snotty nosed rich kids I'll never understand. I mean I was one of those rich kids but, I didn't flaunt my money. Richmond Academy was a private school. The fact that the word rich was in the title made it worse. The tuition was high and if you didn't have money you didn't get in. Also you had to be smart, no one could buy their way into this school since the owner is already rich and most of the tuition goes to charity. I was staring at the board when Mr. Andreas walked in with the second most beautiful boy I've ever seen and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was kinda small. Only about 5 foot 8. Well that's compared to the giants in this school. He had the greenest eyes ever and the longest lashes I've seen on a boy. He a small button nose and the fullest, pinkest lips ever. Also, a bit of muscle. My heart dropped when I got to his clothes, instantly I knew he was a scholarship kid. The only other graduated last year and was practically jumping for joy when he graduated. People in this school think they are too good to be in the classroom with with poor kids.

"Class this Josiah Becks he is new. Please be nice" she exaggerated the nice part because she knows how mean the devil spawns can be. From what I saw some of the grade A whores already unbuttoned the top rows of their uniform shirts and so did some guys. Even though they maybe assholes, they didn't care if you were straight, gay, bisexual or yellow. They just didn't like people who lie about their money.

"You can have a seat next to Jorian."

I rolled my eyes only my parents and teachers call me that. I watched as he maneuvered his way through the desk never once hitting a desk or teaching anyone.

"Jorian you'll be in charge of showing Josiah around." she said.

Usually I would disagree but I wanted to get to know him. I always wanted to know someone's story. He smiled as he sat next to me, in the only available seat. I returned a small smile.

Then I turned and put my head back on the table and waited for the bell to ring. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the music.

I don't know if I feel asleep but it felt like it. I was deep into a dream where I managed to get Kellin and we were talking and then kissing. Someone tapped me and I batted the hand away.

"Jorian " a soft voice said.

I smiled at it. It sounded so pretty.

"Jorian wake up "

"Jorian the bell rang"

I sighed as the voice kept calling. Finally I opened my eyes and saw Josiah.

"How did you get into my room." I asked feeling confused.

Josiah mirrored my confusion before understanding dawned on his face. Then he smiled.

"Jorian you're in school. Not at home. "

My eyes widened as I remembered where I was and I shot up. I ran out the class just in time to avoid seeing him. He who shall not be named.

I could here Josiah running up behind me. At first I wondered why then I remembered that I was suppose to show him around school. I slowed as he caught up. He was so short compared to my 6 feet and 3 inches. I looked down at him and smiled.

"So what class do you have next." he asked calmly as if he just wasn't out of breath.


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