Chappie 15- Maverick

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"Bryson?" Cameron whispered.

As he said that the smoke started to move and an actual body started to appear. My dad gasped. Cameron clutched me hand tighter and Josiah looked at me.

In one poof all the smoke vanished leaving behind a person.

"What am I doing here?" The person said.

He looked up and my eyes widened.

At the same time my dad and I spoke.

"Who are you?



"Maverick?" We asked in unison.

The guy before us was tall. Like very tall. He had fiery red hair that was braided down his back . He was huge, bigger than dad. His eyes also glowed amber.

All eyes fell on dad who was still looking at the guy on the middle of the circle. The place that Bryson should be in. Anger clawed at my chest. But Cameron was the one who exploded.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He yelled.

Every one was stunned. Suprised at his outburst. I stared him wide eyed as he glared at the Maverick guy.

"Who the fuck are you?" He practically growled.

At first none said anything. I stared at Cameron wide eyed. It was the first time I heard him yell. It even raise his voice for that matter.

The guy, Maverick, had the audacity to look bored. He barely spared Cameron a glance and continued to watch my dad.

"That's a great question. What am I doing here Lucroix?" He asked my father.

My dad continued to stare, still in shock. How the hell does he know my dad? Better yet why was he here. Josiah nudged my dad, who immediately snapped out of his trance.

"Maverick. Haven't seen you in a while." He finally said.

The tension between the two seemed to grow. No one said a word as they started each other down. Maverick smirked and licked his lips.

"Yes. It's been too long." He replied.

Again we were enveloped in a deafening silence. Something was going on between the two as they started at each other. I looked at Josiah, who looked as confused as I was. Cameron on the other just looked pissed.

"Well." Maverick cleared his throat.

Looking at his non existing watch he gasped.

"Would you look at the time. I best be off."

He stared to walk out the circle but was pushed back. It seemed as if an invisible barrier stopped him. He looked confused as he started to walk out again. But as before he was spotted. He swung and his fist hit what looked like clear glass. It shimmered under the force of his hit before disappearing again.

"What the hell Lucroix?" He yelled.

"You can't leave until we release you." Josiah suddenly spoke up.

Maverick's glare turned to him. He stared at Josiah before a small smirk appeared on his face.

"What do we have here?" He asked eyeing Josiah.

"I could ask the same thing." Josiah shot back.

Maverick leaned in, will as far as he could. He took a deep breath. Eyes closed, he shuddered before standing straight. A tiny smile graced his lips. He opened his eyes. A dreamy look shone in his amber eyes.

"Oise. Hmmmm. I wonder how we didn't sense you." He said, mostly to himself.

Josiah just rose a brow.

"Maybe because I am not one." He replied.

Maverick rolled his eyes then faced my dad once again. He stared at him. As if he would have some type of explanation for this. Dad just stared at him. I looked between them, curious as to how they knew each other.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Josiah suddenly asked.

Maverick rose a brow and shook his head. But Josiah still looked at him with confusion. The part between his eyebrows wrinkled as he thought. He started biting on his bottom lip. We all watched. But he seemed to have forgotten.

I turned to my dad.

"Dad. Who is that?" I asked.

He looked at as if I was about to kill him. His eyes were squeezed shut. He was muttering under his breath. He looked as if he wished that he could be anywhere but here. When his eyes finally opened he looked at me with a tortured look.

"Jorian." He started.

But he stopped and shut his eyes again. He took a deep breath. Then opening his eyes again he looked at me.

"I'm so sorry..." He started again.

Josiah made a started noise. We turned back to him. A look of panic filed his eyes. He started to back away but released that we were still holding hands. He stopped then shook his head.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"That's the guy." He whispered, voice slightly trembling.

"What guy?" Cameron asked as it struck me.

I looked up at Maverick, who now had a slightly worried look on his face. It couldn't be.

"The guy who took Bryson." I choked out.

A loud beeping noise filled the room. Loud as the first. Smoke started to rise. He was leaving. I wanted to curse but I couldn't. Only one thing was going through my head.

He was leaving!

"No!" I yelled before the smoke filled my throat.

Through watery eyes I could see the shape of Maverick becoming duller and duller. The smoke intensified to the point were I was crying. I closed my eyes. Then there was a loud bang.

When I opened them, the smoke and beeping was gone.

And so was Maverick.

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