Chappie 12- Frustrations

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I can't do this. I can't be the reason Cameron and Bryson lose their mate. I love them. I can't lose them. Call me selfish. But it's the only way I'll be able to. Only way I won't crack. God. I hope I can save them.

I looked over at my sleeping beauty. Cameron hair was knotted up and he had a bit of drool dripping from his mouth. He looked totally at peace, wrapped around me. One long beautiful leg draped over me, pulling me into him. Big spoon.

The other wrapped around my chest. My back to his chest. I shifted slightly, causing his arm to slip slightly. I smiled and stifled a laugh as he cuddled into my back with a little growl.

So cute and innocent. He pushed closer and felt something poking my back. Maybe not that innocent. Again I stifled a smile.

I looked up at the clock. Three in the morning and I was still awake. Then again we went to bed around midnight. Plus how the hell would o able to sleep after all this. Especially Camilla. I really didn't expect that to happen.

Sighing, I managed to disengage with Cameron, putting a pillow in my place. He curled around it. I kissed the top of his head. Pulling some pants on I walked over to the game room. I pushed the door open and stepped in. I didn't bother closing it though.

Someone had cleaned up. The chairs had been switched. A new TV and shelves were installed. I dragged my finger over the fresh paint job. It was the only way to cover up the blood.

I choked back a sob as I traced over the marks they couldn't get rid of. A little dent next the TV. Presiding my forehead to it, I felt a single tear fall down my face. Over my cheek and to the floor with a little plop.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

A faint whisper of his voice filled my head.

"I love you Jorian. Ever since we were five. And I always will."

More tears slipped past my closed eyes. Littles plops filled the vacancy in the room.

"I love you too. And I will find you." I whispered back.

I kissed the mark on the wall before backing away. I turned around and walked back to bed. Instantly Cameron wrapped himself around me. I could do this. I can do this. For Cameron.


"Okay where do we start?" I asked my father.

It was too early in the morning but no one could really sleep. We were all so infatuated with everything that was going on.

"Can't tell you." He replied.

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

He sighed heavily.

" Can't tell you that either."

"Dad. Stop fooling around."

"I'm serious Jory. I can't tell you any thing unless you find it out first."

" What's that suppose to mean."

"Can't tell you."

I growled in frustration.

" Is there anything you can tell me?"

He paused and scrunched up his nose.

"It's like court. Once you bring evidence tied to a certain thing. Then that certain is in play."

"Dad that is so cryptic!"

"Sorry that's all I can say without getting stopped."

" Dad! They'll never know."

Koteian (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now