Chappie 7- Daddy Dearest.

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" Jorian, get your lazy ass up" a voice screamed in ear.

" Fuck off" I told the voice.

" Jorian Damien, how dare curse at your mother." the voice yelled.

At that I sat up.

" Lo siento mamí" I said but stopped when I saw Josiah smirking above me.

He laughed and backed up.

" Told ya it would work." he said to Cameron and Bryson.

" How the hell did you do that" I asked, astonished at how he mimicked my mom perfectly.

He just shrugged and fell back into the recliner.

" It's a gift."

" Yeah well that gift is going to get you hurt"

" By who?"

" Keep using it and you'll find out"

With that I got up and dragged myself to the kitchenette. On the counter was soo much food. There was scrambled eggs, a pile of bacon, a stack of pancakes, a pitcher of orange juice, a fresh pot of coffee and a mix of waffles and toast. There was also syrup and butter to the side.

" Who made this" I asked still thoroughly stunned at the sight.

" Cameron and Bryson. Something about being romantic .......and blah blah, I zoned out after the word love. I just test tasted it. By the way its very good." Josiah ranted and grabbed a piece of bacon.

I rolled my eyes at him before turning to the others. Cameron was fidgeting nervously and Bryson was smirking widely. I could tell that it was all Cameron's idea.

" Cammie come here" I said, hand held out to him.

Shyly he took my hand. And I pulled him into quickly, making him yelp in surprise. Even then he blushed when I smiled at him. I placed a small kiss on his cheek, making him redder. Then I kissed him softly on the lips. I could never get over the fact that he had the softest lips ever. I pulled back after a while, leaving him breathless. I leaned my forehead against his and smiled again.

" Thanks for breakfast Cammie" I told him.

" Cammie?" he asked

" What you don't like it"

" Its kinda of girly"

" No offense but so are you" Josiah butted in. I glared at him when Cameron looked down, mortified.

" Hey hey" I placed to fingers under his chin and lifted his head up." Ignore the church mouse and listen to me. Okay. Being girly is one of things I love about you."

Even though he didn't respond, the smile on his face indicated that he was pleased.

" What about me" Bryson asked.

I smirked at him and hugged Cameron.

" What about you?" I asked

" I helped. I deserve something too"

" Exactly what did you do"

" I poured the juice and made the coffee."

" What's  that compared to what Cameron did?"

" Jorian" he scowled

I smirked and motioned for him to come closer. Smiling in return he came and leaned down, placing a kiss on my lips.

" Now can we eat?" Josiah asked.

We all turned to glare at him.

" What?" he asked, face stuffed with waffles.

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