5 - Makeover

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Rydel - (winks at Vanessa) Okay, Laur. Let's go to the hair salon. It's somewhere upstairs.

Laura - Okay, sounds fun.

Rydel, Vanessa, & Laura - (walk upstairs together & into the salon)

Laura - Wow, really classy (looks around)!

Vanessa - (goes up to the counter) Hi, my sister wants to have a new hair-do.

Laura - (whines) Ness!

Vanessa - Trust me on this (smiles).

Cashier - Okay, our hairstylist, Chelsea, will be at your service (gestures to an empty seat).

Chelsea - (walks up) Hi, I'm Chelsea. I will be doing your hair today. What would you like?

Laura - (sighs) Surprise me.

Chelsea - (thinks) Hmm, I got it! Okay, do you want to wash your hair?

Laura - (nods)

Chelsea - (small nod) Lay down with your head slightly in the tub.

Laura - (does as she was told)

Chelsea - (applys shampoo & washes Laura's hair)

*5 Minutes Later*

Chelsea - All done (wraps Laura's wet hair in a towel)!

Laura - Thank you (sits up & goes to the air-dry machine).

*20 Minutes Later*

Chelsea - Okay, your hair is dry now, let's get started with your hair (brushes Laura's hair, parts her hair in the middle, uses perm mixture in it).

Laura - (eyes closed)

Chelsea - Be right back (walks away, mixes the amber highlight dye, walks back, & starts applying an ombré effect, light from the scalp, getting bolder to the ending tips of Laura's hair). This will take about 15 min., so sit tight (smiles & walks away).

*15 Minutes Later*

Chelsea - It is finally dry, now one last step (takes a one-inch curling iron & curls Laura's hair lightly). Perfect (squeals)! We are all done now!

Laura - Rydel! Ness!

Rydel & Vanessa - (run up & freeze in their tracks)

Rydel - Oh- (gets cut off).

Vanessa - My- (gets cut off).

Rydel - Stars.

Rydel & Vanessa - YOU LOOK PERF (both say in unison)!

Laura - Let's see (turns around & grabs a mirror, looks at herself). Oh my god (surprised). I-Is this really me?

Vanessa - Mhmn (hums in response).

Laura - I love it! Thank you so much, Chelsea!

Chelsea - (smiles) Anytime! Please come back again (walks away)!

Vanessa - Now, for the nails.

Laura - I feel like you're making me bring all my inner-girlyness out.

Rydel - We are, actually.

Vanessa - Our whole plan was to change your look. That's why we got you new clothes, got your hair done, now we are doing nails. Then, we will get shoes & makeup. After that, we head home.

Laura - (fake gasps) You guys tricked me!

Rydel - (giggles) Come on (walks in & asks for a Hello Kitty french manicure).

Vanessa - (asks for dark blue manicure)

Laura - (asks for a bold red manicure)

// Laura's POV ;

We finished with manicures & now we are on our way to get shoes. I'm already dying just walking around all day, with a gazillion shopping bags in my hands. On our way to the shoe store, I swear to god that I earned some creepy stares & winks from guys I don't even know. But, maybe changing my whole look is a good sign. It might help me.

// End Of POV ;

Rydel - (got 2 pairs of high heels, 1 pair of boots, & 2 pairs of sandals)

Vanessa - (got 3 low-heel sandals, 1 pair of boots, & 1 pair of high heels)

Laura - (got 5 pairs of wedges, all different colored)

Vanessa - Woah, Laur. All wedges? Okay, what did you do to my real sister?

Laura - (smiles) Well, I just think that changing my personality would be good for me.

Rydel - That's why we're shopping!

Laura - (thinks ; I better get used to this, living in the same house with Rydel, might make my life full of dresses, heels, makeup, & Hello Kitty.)

Rydel, Vanessa, & Laura - (go to the drug store on their way home)

Rydel & Vanessa - (chose all the makeup for Laura)

Laura - Are those all for you guys?

Rydel & Vanessa - (say in unison) Nope, they are for you.

Laura - (playfully rolls her eyes) Well, I'll wait by the counter, then.

*3 Minutes Later*

Rydel & Vanessa - (say in unison) We're done.

Laura - (playfully shoves them both)

Rydel, Vanessa, & Laura - (drive home)

Rydel - (secretly smirks & thinks ; Time for Operation RAURA to happen.)

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