25 - Meeting Laura

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John, Victoria, & Katy - (walk into Laura's room)

Victoria - (sees Ross, gasps) Ross (runs & hugs him)!

Ross - (hugs Victoria back, chuckles) Hey, Tori (smiles).

Victoria - (pulls away from the hug)

John - (walks up to Ross) What's up, Man?

Ross - Hey!

John & Ross - (fist-bump)

John - (walks over to Jordyn) 'Sup, Man.

Jordyn - Dude!

John & Jordyn - (do a handshake)

Katy - (shakes her head) You boys & your weird handshakes (makes a weird face).

Jordyn - (quickly carries Katy bridal-style)

Katy - (taken by surprise, gasps)

Jordyn - (mimicks Katy) You girls & your weird facial expressions.

Katy - (playfully rolls her eyes, pats Jordyn's chest) Put me down (laughs).

Jordyn - No, I like you better when I'm carrying you (smiles).

Katy - Seriously, put me down (laughs).

Jordyn - (groans) Fine (puts Katy down slowly).

Stormie - (gushes) Aw, you kids are so adorable, too many feels (fangirls, fake cries)!

Victoria - Hi, Mrs. Lynch. It's nice to see you again, it's been too long!

Stormie - Oh, Victoria. Come here (smiles).

Victoria - (walks to Stormie)

Stormie & Victoria - (hug)

Stormie - (pulls away from the hug) How have you been?

Victoria - Really good! I'm getting ready for college. Maria's getting ready for another year of high school.

Stormie - Oh, that's nice for her.

Vanessa - Who's Maria?

Victoria - Oh, she's my sister (turns around). Oh my god, you're Vanessa Marano! O-M-G, O-M-G, O-M-G! I love your show, Switched At Birth! It's the best show ever created. I've never missed an episode of it! I'm so obsessed!

Vanessa - (giggle) Aw, thank you for watching the show. Oh, & I love your hair! Very pretty & unique (smiles).

Victoria - Wow, thank you! I have one question.

Vanessa - Ask away (smiles)!

Victoria - Why do you have to make us wait until the next episode of Switched At Birth (groans)?

Katy - (sighs) I know, right?

Vanessa - Aw, sorry, Girls. It's the producer's choice, not mines. If it was my choice, you think I would make you wait that long (laughs)?

Victoria & Katy - (giggles)

Victoria - Oh! You must be Laura! Ross has told- (cuts herself off). Well, he has texted me a lot about you. I mean, once he talks about you, he just can't st- (gets cut off).

Ross - (quickly puts his hand over Victoria's mouth, stutters, embarrassed) Uh-Ah-Um, she was uh, just joking (fake laughs). Right, Tori (looks at Victoria)?

Laura - (flattered, blushes)

Victoria - (confused, slightly pushes Ross's hand away) No, I'm being seri- (gets cut off).

Ross - (looks at Victoria, whisper-shouts) Seriously, shut up!

Victoria - (playfully rolls her eyes at Ross) We're talking about this later (points a finger directly at Ross).

Ross - (pouts, crosses his arms, mutters) Fine.

Victoria - (giggles, lighty touches his nose) Hang in there, Blondie (smiles).

Laura - Hi, Victoria (smiles). It's so nice to meet you! So, you're Ross's best friend?

Victoria - Aw, nice to meet you too! You're really pretty! Oh, & yes, Ross & I have been best friends since Ice Age (laughs).

Laura - (laughs) That's cute (smiles).

Victoria - (lightly giggles)

Laura - John, right (points at John)?

John - (does a Country voice) Yes, M'am.

Laura - (laughs) I have a question.

John - Shoot (puts his hands in his pockets).

Laura - You know how Ross & Victoria do those really cute couple-ly things?

John - (nods)

Laura - (confused) Don't you ever get jealous of that?

John - No, why would I be?

Laura - I don't know, I thought you'd do all those couple-ly stuff with Victoria. How come you don't get jealous of their friendship?

John - (shrugs) Well, I have known Ross for a little while. I know the kind of person he is, I don't think he'll ever be the kind of person who steals people's girlfriends. Also, they're best friends, nothing more, nothing less.

Ross - (smiles, looks at John, softly punches John's arm) Thanks, Man!

John - Eh, it's no biggie (chuckles).

Ross - Yeah, I mean, I love Victoria, a lot, but not in that way. She's my best friend, & of course, I think she is beautiful, but if she was my girlfriend, it wouldn't ever compare to having her as my best friend.

Victoria - Aw (gushes). Isn't Ross sweet (hugs Ross's waist)?

Ross - (blushes, looks down) I know.

Victoria - (playfully rolls her eyes)

Ross - I can always go to her for help, whenever I'm depressed or feeling lost, I come to her. We've been best friends for a long time. Victoria is very special to me, one of the most important people in my life. I'd put her before anything else, except my family, of course, but she understands that (smiles, looks at Victoria).

Victoria - (looks at Ross, smiles, lets go of Ross)

Laura - AW, O-M-G, this is adorbs (gushes)!

Ross - (chuckles)

Victoria - (sighs) I just can't get over how incredibly gorgeous Laura is!

Laura - (gushes) Oh, stop!

Victoria - Like, can I switch faces with you?

Laura - Aw, now. Why would you want to do that?

Victoria - Duh, because you're so fricken beautiful.

Laura - Nuh-uh, you're beautiful-er.

Victoria - Okay, whatever you say (laughs).

Ross - You girls are weird (laughs).

Rydel - (groans) Shut up, Ross (laughs).

Ross - (chuckles)

Katy - Hey, does the police know anything about this?

Vanessa - (nods) They want her at the station tomorrow.

Rocky - She was also on the news, Ross called in & told them about it.

Victoria - This is really serious.


Laura - (picks up her phone & unlocks it)

Vanessa - Hey, who texted you?

Laura - (nervous) It's a blocked number, but the text message is from Jaime.

Vanessa - (widens her eyes) Let me see.

Laura - (gives her phone to Vanessa)

Vanessa - (looks at Laura's phone)

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