24 - Best Friends

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- Night Time -

Everyone started making small-talk as time went by. Each person would switch to another subject to talk about. Suddenly, they wondered why Ross's best friend didn't come in to meet Laura yet.

Katy - For god's sake (laughs), why hasn't she come in yet (jokingly sighs, opens the door).

Katy steps outside Laura's room & closes the door. She looks to her left - her best friend isn't here. She shifts her head to the right - nope, not there either. She was just here, it's like she vanished into thin air. Worriedly, Katy searches for her best friend, wondering where she possibly went. Running through hallways & pushing through crowds of people was getting tiring, believe it or not.

Katy starts shoving people, & they don't hesitate to shove her back, but it does make a lot of sense. Losing your best friend is scary, especially for Katy, obviously. She's continuously going back & forth. Finally, she stops in front of a hallway she has passed about a million times.

She thinks, "What if something happened to her?"

It's useless. She's spent the last 30 minutes searching this side of the hospital, & it's obvious that ??? is nowhere to be found. She goes outside, to the parking lot of the hospital. She walks further to the end of the sidewalk & stands there. There is complete silence for 10 full seconds. Then, there's this weird noise coming from the side of the building.

Really weird.

Katy turns around & walks closer to the sound. Sure, she looks fearless & surprisingly brave, but inside, her heart is beating rapidly. She awkwardly stares in the direction of the noise, it doesn't sound normal. It sounds so random. She walks close enough to see two figures. Katy takes out her phone & turns the flashlight on. She holds it above the two dark figures & she sees...






...her best friend. She's making out with her boyfriend - Wow, haha. No surprise there. Every time Katy turns her back, those two are literally eating each other's face off. Hm, guess she just loves him so much - to kiss him all the time. Katy locks her phone angrily & grabs her best friend's arm, then pulls her away from her boyfriend & into the light.

Katy - Wow, ???. What the hell?

??? - What? What's wrong with making out with my boyfriend?

Katy - Ugh, I've been worried sick! I thought something bad happened to you or something! Why didn't you come in to meet Laura?

??? - Well, I didn't want to interrupt you guys, so I started waiting. I was waiting so long, I got bored, so we went out here.

Katy - (scoffs) Um, you know you can come in anytime, right?

??? - Well, what if you were busy? You guys were probably talking about something important or weird. If I came in, it would just we awkward (makes a face).

Katy - (groans) Seriously? I searched everywhere for you (starts shouting)! All the hallways, looking at everyone's face & outfit to see if it was actually you & that I wasn't a psycho-path!

By now, Katy had some eyes on her. Everyone who came out for fresh-air had their eyes locked on Katy. She started looking around at everyone.

Katy - (shouts) What are you all looking at?!

As soon as she said that, those eyes shifted back to what they were doing previously, trying their best not to care about the situation between Katy & her best friend.

??? - (looks at Katy, says quietly) Hey, Katy. Can you calm down? You're kinda scaring me.

Katy - (sighs) Okay, I'm sorry. I care for you, a lot. You're my best friend. It has always been Victoria & Katy. We've known each other since birth. I don't know what I'd do without you. I thought something happened to you. I couldn't find you, & I was scared to death. Once again, I'm sorry, okay (walks to the end of the sidewalk, sits down, puts her hands on her head)?

Victoria - No, I'm sorry (walks to the end of the sidewalk & sits next to Katy). Why are you sorry? It's my fault for causing all of this (puts her hand over Katy's shoulder). I didn't think you'd freak out this much.

Katy - (sighs) If I was lost & you couldn't find me, you seriously wouldn't freak out that much?

Victoria - Honestly, no. I wouldn't. I wouldn't freak out, or hyperventilate. I wouldn't run around trying to find you or call the police.

Katy - (starts crying) Why? I thought you were my best friend (starts to sob)!

Victoria - No, Katy. Listen to me. I wouldn't do all that, because I know what kind of person you are - you are strong. That's how I know, that anyywhere you are, you're perfectly fine. A strong person can protect themself & would have faith, & that's you (puts her hand on Katy's shoulder).

Katy - (looks at Victoria, dries her tears) Do you really mean it?

Victoria - (nods) Of course, I do (smiles).

Katy - (tears up, laughs) You're so sweet.

Victoria - (giggles) You know how much I love you, right?

Katy - (giggles) Yeah, I do.

Victoria & Katy - (hug)

??? - Are you guys okay? I don't want to get involved in a cat-fight or anything (chuckles).

Victoria & Katy - (stand up, face ???)

Victoria - Nope, we're all good (nudges Katy).

Katy - (giggles) You two need to meet Laura.

??? - Fine (laughs).

Katy - John, if you do something stupid when we get in there, Victoria is gonna break up with you (looks at Victoria, laughs).

Victoria - (confused, looks at Katy) I am?

Katy - (secretly nudges Victoria)

Victoria - (looks at John) Oh-I mean, um- Yes, I am!

John - (chuckles) Whatever (puts his arm around Victoria).

Katy - (playfully rolls her eyes, pulls John & Victoria into the hospital)

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