26 - Text Message

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Vanessa - (reads the Jaime's text message)

Stormie - What does it say, Honey?

Vanessa - Permission to swear?

Mark - (nods) Of course.

Vanessa - "Hey, Asshole. I'm not done with you. By the way, I saw you on the news & I heard Ross call in. Oh, I also found out my beating put you in the hospital. Make sure you don't piss me off again, because you'll end up dead, no chances. You're a useless bitch. Have a good life, Laura. Watch your fucking back." Oh my god (shocked, puts a hand over her mouth).

Everyone - (stunned)

Alexandrea - (silently gasps)

Laura - (pulls her knees to her chest)

Rocky - (sits next to Laura, strokes her back)

Laura - (frightened, hugs Rocky)

Vanessa - (sighs) Laura, get some rest. We'll settle all this bullshit tomorrow (looks at everyone else).

Victoria & Katy - (looks at Laura)

Laura - (exhales, nods, lays down & pulls the blanket up to her neck)

Victoria - Goodnight, Laura.

Katy - Have a good sleep, we'll see you tomorrow.

Stormie - Night, Laura (kisses Laura's forehead).

Mark - (rubs Laura's arm)

Mark, Stormie, Ellington, Rydel, Rocky, & Ryland - (walk out the door & leave)

John, Victoria, Jordyn, Katy, & Alexandrea - (look at Laura sympathetically & leave)

Vanessa & Ross - (sit beside Laura's bed)

- The Next Morning -

Vanessa - (wakes up, yawns, & looks around the room, spots Laura's phone, picks up Laura's phone & unlocks it)

// Vanessa's POV;

When Laura was still asleep, I took her phone & unlocked it. I swiped until I saw the 'Message' application. God, I swear this girl has too many apps. After I found her messages, I opened the most recent conversation, 'Blocked Number.' I reread Jaime's text message in my head. After that, I read it again, whispering as I was reading, making sure not to wake Ross & Laura up. As I read through the message over & over again, I began to think deeply about it.

Now, I know what I have to do. Jaime thinks she can hurt Laura & just get away with it? Wow, this little asshole needs to learn her lesson, & I know exactly how to teach her.

I looked for the 'Contacts' application & scrolled through the list. A variety of names beginning with 'A' passed. As I looked back, I found Alexandrea's contact. I looked around the room for a piece of paper & a pen. I wrote down Alexandrea's phone number & continued on.

Next, I searched for Katy's phone number. I scrolled to 'K' & wrote her phone number down. After that, I took Ross's phone. I felt a little guilty for taking their phones, but I needed the phone numbers. I looked in Ross's contacts & searched for Victoria's contact. Once I copied her phone number, I put both their phones back where I got them.

Lastly, I took my phone out & texted everyone about meeting me before we get back at Jaime. Before I put my phone down, I texted Rydel & asked her if she wanted 'in.' I didn't really need to ask her, because I know she's obviously gonna want to be involved.

Once everyone got to the hospital, I shook Ross up.

// End Of POV;

Vanessa - (shaking Ross up, whispers) Ross, come on. Wake up.

Ross - (groans, turns his head to the other side)

Vanessa - (rolls her eyes, pinches Ross's nose for 15 seconds until Ross finally woke up)

Ross - (gradually sits up from his chair slowly, gasps)

Vanessa - (lets go of his nose)

Ross - (breathes heavily, puts his hand on his chest, sees Laura asleep, looks at Vanessa, whisper shouts) What the hell did you do that for?!

Vanessa - (scoffs) To wake you up. What, did you think I wanted to kill you?

Ross - (mutters) Kinda (rubs his eyes).

Vanessa - (silently laughs) It's funny how you're such a heavy sleeper.

Ross - (groans) & you're not (rubs his eyes)?

Vanessa - (shakes her head) No (silently laughs).

Ross - (yawns) Anyway, now that I'm awake, what the heck do you want (stretches his arms over his head)?

Vanessa - Today, we get revenge on Jaime.

Ross - Is everyone here (blinks his eyes, trying to stay awake)?

Vanessa - Yeah, they're all outside waiting for us.

Ross - Do I have to drive you guys there?

Vanessa - (nods) Mhm.

Ross - (groans) But, it's so far away. I'm so tired & lazy, & I just wanna lay in bed & die (takes a throw-pillow & covers his face).

Vanessa - Ugh, get up & get ready, don't you wanna help Laura?

Ross - (flatly) Fine, just give me 10 more minutes (lays on the throw-pillow).

Vanessa - (yanks the throw-pillow, tosses it across the room) Dude, get the fuck up already (laughs), Lazy Ass (pulls Ross's arm to get him up).

Ross - Okay! Okay! Stopp itt.

Vanessa - (playfully rolls her eyes) Finally, for god's sake!

Ross - Whatever (chuckles).

Vanessa & Ross - (walk out of Laura's room)

Ross - Wait, I need to go to the bathroom.

Vanessa - Ugh, do you really need to go that bad? They're waiting for us, you know!

Ross - Fixing hair, waits for no one.

Vanessa - (groans, walks out the hospital)

Ross - (goes to the bathroom & fixes his bed hair)

- 5 Minutes Later -

Ross - (comes out of the bathroom, walks outside)

Vanessa - (talking with the girls)

Ross - (walks up to them)

Victoria - Jesus Christ, what the hell took you so long?

Ross - HAIR WAITS FOR NO ONE (points at Victoria)!

Alexandrea - I guess you don't know Ross Lynch until you meet him.

Ross - (looks at Alexandrea, dull)

Alexandrea - Sorry (laughs).

Ross - (sees John & Jordyn) Oh, you guys are coming too?

John & Jordyn - (say in unison) Yep.

Ross - Cool! Then, this is gonna be fun.

Everyone - (rubs their hands together & evilly grin)

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