11 - Sandwiches

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Ross - (holds the bread bag for a while, then puts it down)

Laura - (looks at him confused)

Ross - (walks out the kitchen, into the living room, & stands at the bottom of the stairs, then shouts) ANYONE WANT A SANDWICH UP THERE? I'M MAKING MY SPECIAL SANDWICH!

Riker - (shouts) NO THANKS!

Ellington - (shouts) YES, I'M SOO HUNGRY!



Ryland - (shouts) RYLAND WANTS ONE TOO (laughs)!

Laura - (laughs) Woah, you weren't kidding.

Ross - (chuckles) Do you really think I'd lie to you? Especially, about food! Have you no soul (gasps)?

Laura - (laughs) Let's see if Laura Marano (points to herself), will love this sandwich as much as everyone else.

Ross - (playfully rolls his eyes at Laura) It is literally the best sandwich you'll ever taste on your life (gets out six plates & twelve bread slices from the bag & puts two slices on each plate)! Laur, can you please go get my phone in the living room?

Laura - Yeah, sure (smiles & walks into the living room, searching for Ross's phone).

Ross - (squirts mayonnaise on each bread slice & spreads it with a butter knife)

Laura - (comes back in with Ross's phone & hands it to him) Here you go.

Ross - (smiles) Thanks.

Laura - You're welcome (smiles).

Ross - (holds the bag of bacon bits & sprinkles them on one of the two slices of bread, on each plate)

Laura - Yay, bacon!

Ross - (chuckles) You are such a dork!

Laura - (pretends to be offended, gasps) RUDE (raises a hand)!

Ross - (laughs, then puts on a lettuce slice on the other bread slice, with no bacon) Wait, you like lettuce, right?

Laura - Yes (laughs)?

Ross - (chuckles) What about tomatoes?

Laura - (sighs) Yes, Ross. I love eating healthy. Eating fruits & vegetables or being on a diet, will soon make me look like a more beautiful person.

Ross - (says in a girly, high-pitched voice) Oh, shut up! You're already

Laura - (laughs)

Ross - (chuckles, then slices a tomato & stacks two slices on the lettuce of the bread slice, sprinkles the shredded swiss cheese on top of the bacon bits of the bread slice, & puts one plate, at a time, in the microwave for two minutes).

*12 Minutes Later*


Ross - Okay, that's the last sandwich!

Laura - Aw, but it was soo fun watching you get all cook-y!

Ross - Don't worry, I'll cook again (winks at Laura).

Laura - (playfully rolls her eyes)

Ross - (takes the plate out of the oven, & lays one bread slice, on top of the other, with all the ingredients touching eachother) Let's bring them to everyone.

Laura - Okay (grabs two plates).

Ross - (grabs two plates)

Laura - (walks upstairs)

Ross - (follows her)

- With Laura -

Laura - (goes into Rydel's room)

Laura - Here you go, Delly (hands her a plate). Ellington (nods & hands him a plate).

Rydel - Thanks, Laurie (smiles).

Ellington - Thank you.

Laura - (eyes them suspiciously, looks at Rydel)

Rydel - (smiles cheekily)

Laura - (shakes her head)

Ellington - (confused) Did you guys like create some kind of communication system or something (laughs)?

Laura - (laughs)

Rydel - (giggles)

Laura - See ya, later (waves a hand, & walks out, downstairs, then grabs her plate, & starts eating).

- With Ross -

Ross - (goes into Rocky's room, & hands a plate to Rocky)

Rocky - Thanks, bro (pats him on the back).

Ross - (nods & walks out of the room, then into his & Ryland's room, & hands Ryland a plate)

Ryland - Thanks, Bro (starts eating).

Ross - No problem (walks out & back downstairs, then spots Laura, on the couch, eating & watching TV).

Laura - (doesn't see Ross)

Ross - Laur, you're eating without me (pouts).

Laura - (giggles) Sorry, Rossy.

Ross - (flops down right next to Laura, grabs his plate, & starts eating)

*10 Minutes Later*

Ross - (finished eating) So, how was it?

Laura - (finishes eating) Eh (shakes her hand). It was okay.

Ross - (eyes widen) Okay?! That was my famous sandwich (sad).

Laura - (giggles) I'm joking, Ross!

Ross - Oh, I thought you were
dead-serious (laughs).

Laura - Hmm, I'm a good actress (feels proud).

Ross - Indeed, you are (laughs).

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