9 - Rydellington

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- The Next Morning -

Ross - (in his room, deep thinking)

Riker - (sitting in the corner of his room with his face in the palm of his hands)

- Downstairs -

Rydel - (in the kitchen texting Ellington & eating cereal)

// Conversation ;

Rydel - Hey, Ell 😊

Ellington - Hey, Del 😊

Rydel - Hey, our names rhyme 😏

Ellington - Yup 😊 We're twins! 😱

Rydel - 😂 I'm the only one awake right now so, wanna come over?

Ellington - Well, if you insist 😌

Rydel - What are you doing?

Ellington - Feeding my pet chicken, Robert 🐔 What about you?

Rydel - 😂 Dying my hair red 😉 Jk, Eating cereal.

Ellington - 😂 What kind of cereal is it? 😳

Rydel - 😐 Do you really care?

Ellington - 😂 No.

Rydel - Well, I'm eating Fruit Loops, because I'm fab ✌️ *sassy hair-flip*

Ellington - I can be fab, too 💁 I'm not eating Fruit Loops ✌️ *sassy

Rydel - Fruit Loops are the 💣.com 👌

Ellington - Whatevs, Del 😂 I'm gonna go get ready. Be there in 15. I hate you, bye 💞

Rydel - 😂 Bye, Ell 💞 I hate you, too!

// End Of Conversation ;

Rocky - (comes downstairs & walks into the kitchen) Morning, Delly.

Rydel - Morning (locks her phone screen).

Rocky - Who were you just talking to (getting cereal out from the cupboard)?

Rydel - I was texting Ellington. He's go- (gets cut off).

Rocky - (squeals) DO I HEAR RYDELLINGTON?

Rydel - (blushes) Shut up. Anyways, he's gonna come over.

Rocky - Hey, what's wrong with Riker & Ross? They don't look happy.

Rydel - I know, they don't smell too good either (fans away air in front of her nose, stimulating that they stink).

Rocky - Well, they won't come out of their rooms.

Rydel - Hmm (touches her chin with her index finger), something's wrong.

Rocky - I feel great (eats a spoon of cereal)!

Rydel - Maybe, they're fighting about something.

Rocky - Probably.

Riker - (comes downstairs)

Rocky - Well, good morning, Ugly Beauty (raises an eyebrow at him).

Rydel - You look horrible!

Riker - (doesn't answer)

Rocky - Oh, the silent treatment, huh? Well, RUDE!

Riker - Look, I'm not in the mood.

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