19 - Forgetting You

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Ross - (goes over to his family, shakes everybody) Guys, get up.

Vanessa - (groans) Ross (blinks her eyes)?

Ross - Yeah.

Rydel - Did you hear any news about Laura?

Ross - (nods) Mhm. Well, a doctor explained everything to me & long

story - short, Laura has a fractured skull. It's very little, though. It's going to take 6-8 weeks to heal completely. Laura might get memory loss & splitting headaches once in a while and they might last longer than usual, but they aren't permanent.

Vanessa - (gasps) F-Fractured s-skull?

Ross - (looks down, nods)

Stormie - Oh, dear. Are we allowed to see her?

Ross - The doctor said we could, but she might be resting right now.

Mark - (approaches Dr. Travis) Excuse me, Doctor. Where is Laura Marano's room?

Dr. Travis - Laura is on the second floor. You may use the elevator around the corner (smiles).

Mark - Thank you (walks back to his family). Laura's on the next floor. Let's go.

Mark, Stormie, Vanessa, Ellington, Rydel, Rocky, Ross, Ryland - (walk to the elevator)

Ross - (presses the button)


Mark, Stormie, Vanessa, Ellington, Rydel, Rocky, Ross, Ryland - (get in)

Ross - (presses the button)


Mark, Stormie, Vanessa, Ellington, Rydel, Rocky, Ross, Ryland - (walk up to the front desk)

Receptionist - Hello, how may I assist you?

Vanessa - (steps forward) Um, where is the room of Laura Marano?

Receptionist - M-a-r-a-n-o, Marano?

Vanessa - (nods)

Receptionist - (types in Laura's name) Ah, patient, Laura Marano. She's in the fourth room on your right, down that hallway (points to a hallway).

Ross - Thank you.

Receptionist - (nods, smiles)

Mark, Stormie, Vanessa, Ellington, Rydel, Rocky, Ross, Ryland - (walk to Laura's room, enter)

Laura - (asleep)

Vanessa - (sees Laura, cries softly, walks over to Laura's bed)

Stormie - (starts tearing up)

Rocky - (says softly) Hey, why are you guys crying? Laura is going to be fine. She will heal.

Vanessa - Do you love Rydel as much as I love Laura?

Rocky - Of course, why?

Vanessa - Then, you would've understood that it's really heartbreaking to see your sister in the hospital. It's not so important that she has a skull fracture. It's still a bad thing, but's the fact that Laura is actually in the hospital. It hurts seeing her laying in a hospital bed.

Rocky - (looks down) I understand.

Vanessa - (holds Laura's hand) Laura? Baby girl? Can you wake up for me, please?

// Laura's POV ;

I'm in a dark room, I can't see anything, everything is pitch black. I stand up, using my hands to guide myself in each direction, I bet I look like a maniac. As I walk & squint my eyes, I can barely see the human figure standing in front of me. I call out to see if it's real.

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