10 - All About You

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Laura - So, tell me about yourself.

Ross - Well, what do you want to know?

Laura - Uh, everything?

Ross - Ooh, better get comfy, gonna be here a while.

Laura - (sits up)

Ross - (whines) No, lay back down with me!

Laura - (rolls her eyes & leans her head back on Ross's shoulder)

Ross - (leans his head on Laura's) Where do I start? Hmm, I love romantic stuff. My favorite movie is Romeo & Juliet, which by the way, is the best movie ever! I was
home-schooled. I was in a small band called The Power Of 3 when i was younger. My first kiss was for a short film. I have never asked a girl out before. I l- (gets cut off).

Laura - Woah, woah, woah. Back up! You kissed a girl before & you never had a girlfriend? How is that possible? You're adorable!

Ross - (lightly blushes) Thanks. Let's see, I love chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. I love Hawaiian pizza. I love The Beatles. I love japanese chewing gum. I had my first crush when I was in fourth grade. I love to surf. My favorite app is either Flappy Bird or Angry Birds. I want to play the saxophone. I haven't eaten McDonald's in over four years. Rydel & I starred in an X-Box commercial. I love to wear Converse. I have a purple bandana. I have three pockets, yes, three pockets, in my backpack that I won't open. I have a sketchbook that I like to draw in.

Laura - Oh, you like Art?

Ross - Yeah, my favorite subjects in school before I was home-schooled were English & Art. I know how to say 'sexy' in sign-language. I s- (gets cut off).

Laura - Woah, okay, enough Ross Lynch facts!

Ross - (laughs) Well, I can't help that I have an interesting life. I'm guessing your life is pretty boring, huh, Laur?

Laura - (acts offended, gasps) Well, I'm not gonna tell you anything about me, then!

Ross - (laughs harder) Laur! I'm joking! Now, tell me about yourself.

Laura - (smiles) I love acting. Vanessa is on a show on ABCFamily, called Switched At Birth. She was offered this job, a few months ago, & as you can see, she gladly accepted it. I was the main character in a short film called Goldfish. V- (gets cut off).

Ross - What's it about?

Laura - (sighs happily) It's about this really curious girl, Suzy, which is my character. She cared for animals, a lot. Her teacher gave the whole class, a pet goldfish to take care of, for the rest of the year. She kept raising her hand, asking her teacher questions like "Where do these fish come from?". She also asked "Don't these fish have parents?" She thought that the fish were supposedly, taken away from their parents. She told her friend Jenny to help her get the fish back home to their parents. She believed that 'all drains lead to the ocean'. She somehow, put all the students' goldfishes in two buckets, one for her, & one for Jenny. They rode their bikes halfway across town to a school. They brought the buckets into the school's bathroom & dumped them in the toilet. The school janitor, was the only one who saw them. He was suspicious & confused at the same time. Meanwhile, Jenny said she wasn't so sure about flushing them down the toilet. After some compromising, Suzy flushed all thirty goldfish, down the toilet. The janitor told the principal & their teacher about it. Both of the girls got a 'weak suspension'.

Ross - Woah, very detailed, & it doesn't even have a happy ending (softly chuckles).

Laura - I know. I guess that's enough sharing (yawns). I'm tired.

Ross - Here (pats his chest).

Laura - (smiles & cuddles into Ross's body, slowly falling asleep)

Riker - (walks into the room & sees Ross & Laura, then whisper yells) Ross, what the hell!

Ross - (smirks at Riker) She likes me, deal with it.

Riker - (groans & walks upstairs, into his room) She will be mine, soon (slams the door, loud enough for Ross to hear).

Laura - (jumps) What was that? Is anyone hurt? Where am I (asks all at once)?

Ross - (strokes her hair) Laura, everything's fine. Go back to sleep, I'll wake you up, later.

Laura - (lays back down on his chest & falls back to sleep)

*3 Hours Later*

Ross - (still awake, shakes Laura a little bit) Laurie, wake up.

Laura - (groans) Five more minutes!

Ross - (chuckles) Come on, L-Dawg!

Laura - (wakes up) Ross (chucks a pillow at him)!

Ross - (laughs) Come on, get up.

Laura - Fine (sits up). Now, I'm hungry.

Ross - Yay, I get this chance to make you my Super, Duper, Rossy Bossy Lynch, Awesome, Delicious, Sandwich!

Laura - That sounds so stupid (laughs).

Ross - HEY! It's a secret recipe, so you better be honored that I'm showing you how to make this! Everyone loves this sandwich!

Laura - I'll eat it, as long as it doesn't make me fat or anything.

Ross - You are such a diva (laughs).

Laura - (smirks & walks away, swaying her hips, & flips her hair into Ross's face)

Ross - (scrunches his face) OW! Your hair hurts!

Laura - Are you coming (clicks tongue), or nawh?

Ross - (playfully rolls his eyes)

Ross & Laura - (walk into the kitchen)

- In The Kitchen -

Ross - (opens the refrigerator)

Laura - (sits on the counter, filing her nails)

Ross - (gets out all the ingredients)

Laura - (puts down her nail filer)

Ross - Are... you... READY (points at Laura)?!

Laura - (laughs & nods)

Ross - Let's get started.

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