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Trey age: 8 months

I was able to get Trey back outside after the cool weather warmed up in the afternoons. He was squealing and laughing as I played with him. A knock on the wooden post made me look up. "How are you today?" Casey asked. "Good." I answered. "He sure is growing." Casey said. "He is." I said as a truck pulled. I picked Trey up and held him against me. "What happened to you telling me you were pregnant with my child?" The man asked.

I had no clue what he was talking about. Yes this is the guy that forcefully got into my pants. Yes I'm running from him so he won't hurt Trey. Trey doesn't deserve to have a father like him. "He's not your child." I told him. "He is and I will get full custody of him." He told me. "How would you know he's yours?" Casey asked him. "You don't need to get between this. I suggest you f--- off and get out of here." He said.

"I've got my rights. Your unwelcome and trespassing. She doesn't care if I come over to check on her while she's taking care of her child. The child doesn't know you and never will." Casey told him. Trey started whimpering. I rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head. I could tell he was uneasy. "Do you want to go see the hossies?" I asked using his slang for horses. He looked up at me.

I stood up and went inside the house before going into the backyard with the pets. If anyone is wondering the backyard is a full acre, the house sitting on half an acre. Trey reached out to pet Trix. Trix and him have formed a bond and he will get mean if someone is trying to hurt my son. The man jumped the fence coming straight for us. Trix blocked the way with Troop helping.

Casey just watched from the side. Trix bit him as he tried to reach out and grab me. Troop backed me away from the man. Trix bared his teeth threatening to bite again. I was able to get around both horses and over to the fence by Casey. "Here let me see him while you climb over. You two can hide at my place until the police arrive." He said.


Now I understand why I see no man around. It was probably a one night thing and she got away as fast as she could and her horses were there and hate the man. I let her into my house while I watched outside as the man tried to leave the cruiser pulling up behind him. The guy I could tell cursed and was about to hit her truck trying to get away when my brother's truck got in the way.

Two officers met him at the door and made him get out with his hands up. I looked down in front of me seeing Blake with Trey. I moved her away from the window. "If he puts up a fight like he did. You don't need to be near the window with him." I told her.


I then moved off to the side having his arm shield Trey as I looked out. One officer got his truck keys while two others restrained him getting him into the back of the cruiser. The cruiser left with him. The other two officers spoke before one took his truck and the other got into his own truck. "I don't think you have to worry about him for a while honey." He said. It was a few more minutes before he let me go back to my house.

I fixed myself supper and fed Trey his. We both bathed before settling on the couch watching a movie. Trey fell asleep on my lap as we sat on the couch. I looked at the time before deciding whether or not to go to bed. Thirty more minutes later I took Trey up to bed with me. I changed his diaper before putting him to bed. I crawled into my bed myself after making sure everything was locked.

I went to bed having to wake up only once to change Trey's diaper.

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