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Trey age: 2 years

I finished up with a student before going to get my boy. He came running to me and nearly jumped into my arms. I took him home and gave him a bath before Casey came in. "KC." Trey yelled. "Hey little man. Being good for your mama and teacher?" He asked Trey. My son nodded. "Come on. I brought supper." Casey said leading the way into the kitchen. Trey followed closely to me.

"What is it this time?" I asked. "Something my mom tried that my dad loved and asked for me to take leftovers." He answered. I chuckled. Trey tried to climb the counter to see what it was. Casey picked him up letting him see. He's gotten so used to Casey just picking him up and holding him. Trey yawned. "Better get this one fed so he can go to sleep." I said.

We sat down eating with Trey on either side of us. "My brother said that guy went north after getting out. He shouldn't be around here." Casey said. "I hope not." I said before excusing myself to go use the bathroom. I went to my bathroom in the master bedroom, did my business before washing my hands and heading back. "Looks like you found a cowboy that you can screw for free."

My skin crawled. I was suddenly spun around and thrown onto the bed. "Pull your pants down." He gritted. "No." I said trying to get away. He grabbed my arms pulling me closer to him. His hand stung my face. "Give me my son." He said. "He's not yours." I told him. He threw me onto the floor, me hitting the wall hard. He grabbed me up once more. "If you don't comply then I'll have to do it myself." He gritted before trying.

I fought against him. He finally got aggravated and threw me off the bed making me hit the wall and tile floor. I looked up seeing Casey before he grabbed him dragging him outside. Trey came in and right up to me. "Mama." "I'm fine baby. Stay in here." I said. The light was now on. Trey curled up against me. "I'm fine Trey." I said rubbing his back. He stayed put.

He finally got out of my grasp and ran in yonder. I could hear him hitting the door. "Casey you better get back inside." I heard yelled. The door opened. "Where's your mama?" Casey asked. Trey came in trailed by Casey. "Stand back Trey." Casey told him. He wrapped his arm around me pulled me up. I winced at where he had his arm. Right on my ribs. "Hang on honey." He said as he picked me up setting me on the bed.

He lifted my shirt checking my ribs. "They look bruised or could be cracked. Where else does it hurt?" He asked. "My left arm and left hip." I said. He checked for bruising on my hip. "A slight bruise is forming. Think you may need to go to the hospital for x-rays." He said. Trey was now curled up against my right side. I watched as he quickly called someone. Two officers came in.

"How is she?" One asked. "Possible broken bones." Casey told him. "I need an ambulance at..." The guy said as he walked away from the door. It didn't take long for one to arrive. "Come here Trey." Casey said picking him up to get him out of the way. "Mama." "She's fine little man. I'm going along to watch him while she's there." Casey said as the put me on the stretcher. Trey kept wanting to get on the stretcher with me.

"I'm fine baby. Stay with Casey." I said. He kept trying to reach out to me. Once I was checked over I looked down seeing Casey holding onto Trey. "Is it alright if my son lays up here with me?" I asked. "As long as he stays on the right side." The paramedic said. Casey let him get up on the stretcher. "Stay on my right side baby." I said as I patted my leg. He laid down and curled up to my side.

"Can you go with Casey when we get there?" I asked. He buried his head. "If he gets you your favorite juice and a snack?" I asked. He looked over at Casey along with me. He then nodded as he looked back at me. Casey winked at me. When we got there and I was out Casey got Trey from the stretcher. He reached out to me. Tears filling his little eyes.

"Come here little man. Your mama is going to be fine. Come on let's go get that juice that was promised." Casey told him holding on to him tightly. They first got me in to get x-rayed. Then I had to sit in a room waiting.


"What are those tears for little man? We'll go back to her." I said as I rubbed his back. The bond the both of us have formed is one I don't want to waste. "Come on let's get that juice and snack." I said as I continued to comfort him. We went to the cafeteria where one of my sister in laws work. I found her on her break. "I guess I can tell your husband that your on break?" I asked coming up behind her.

She jumped out of her skin. "Casey Ray don't you dare do that again." She said. I chuckled before sitting down. "What do you want? Why do you have a child? Why are you here?" She asked. "First, I need some white grape juice and a snack for a toddler, this is my girlfriend's little boy, and she had a run in with his biological father." I told her in order as she asked. "I'll run back as see if we have anything for him. I know from what you've told us that he has trouble being away from her." She said before getting up.

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