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I finished packing a small backpack with a set of clothes, several snacks, and a few juices for Trey. "Do you have everything packed?" Casey asked coming into the living room with Trey all dressed. "Yeah." I answered. He took the bag from me leading the way out. He set Trey in his car seat letting him buckle himself in. He set the bag in the floor before opening my door. "Don't worry honey. Remember the plan we made? If he starts fussing like he usually does reach back and take him." He said.

I nodded. He kissed my forehead before helping me in. My boy turns three in two weeks. I've got to keep him. He's my whole world and the only family that is not dead to me. We arrived at the courthouse. I helped my son unbuckle before setting him on my hip. He did not sleep good last night. Or Tuesday night. He's exhausted. Once at the doors leading in, Casey took him letting me walk in with him following. The lawyer was a few minutes later.

Some woman sat at the table across from us away from the jury. Yup. This time I was right beside the jury. I looked back seeing my parents enter. What in the world are they doing here? They found a seat behind the woman. It started on time. The state lady was questioned first. The jury was looking like they were trying to believe her. "Especially when she has her boyfriend watching over the child more than herself." She stated.

When it was my turn I said that they forcefully tried taking my child from me. "And when was this?" I was asked. "A month ago at a daycare." "And who exactly was picking your son up most of the time?" "My boyfriend because I couldn't go and get him at daycare while I still had ten kids waiting on their parents most days." I said. "And where are you living now?" "His house, because my son's biological father burned my house down where my son was living with me." I said.

"And how far away is your boyfriend's house from where yours was?" "The next house over." I answered. "And on a scale of one to ten, ten being the best, how well do you think your boyfriend is with your son?" "I'd have to say a perfect ten. He's never done anything to hurt him and is willing to help me out with him." I said. I was dismissed to my seat. They then had Casey go up. That's when Trey became fussy.

He was finally sleeping and now he's mad because he had to be woken up. I took him letting him have a juice to calm him down. He fell back asleep head on my shoulder. I had a don't mess with me look on as Trey slept. When they finished questioning him he went back to his seat. "Do you want me to take him honey?" He asked. "I got him. He needs to sleep." I said. He nodded before sitting back.

The lawyer from the state side asked for one of my parents to go up. I stayed quiet tensing up slightly as my mother told the person asking the question her opinion not the truth. Then my father. When recess was called I had to take Trey to the restroom. "Here let me take him. You need to get a drink." Casey said standing in front of me. I let him. Trey wrapped his arms around Casey's neck holding on for dear life.

I got a drink before the recess was over. I went back taking my seat. Casey sat down with Trey who was asleep once again. Oh did I fail to mention that Ali and Buck were both here for support? Their more of parents now to me than my own parents have been. The judge was seated at his desk when he asked the jury what they had decided. "We have seen from both the mom of the child and her boyfriend that the child is being watched over properly.

"If they are to continue with their relationship the boy should have a dad and male roll model in his life to show him right from wrong." One juror said standing. The lady from the state started yelling first. "Mom take him. He doesn't need to be in here." Casey said as I stood. Trey went with Ali knowing he'll see us again. They were almost out when profanities were yelled out by my parents.

The judge was trying everything he could before ordering my parents and the state lady out. "Case closed." He said tapping the gavel once. Casey and I both went out to get Trey. I held my son close as Casey enveloped us both in his arms. No more letting my son get that close to being taken from me.

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