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I was stopped cold. No. He was arrested. "You even think about calling the police and I will kill him and you both." He yelled. "You lay a hand on either of them and I will kill you." Casey threatened as he came up behind me. Gunfire rang out. The gun that was in his hand fell to the ground. I ran for the truck as flames licked the top of the hood. I shoved him out of the way and tore the car seat out before quickly unbuckling Trey and running for the house.

Just before the truck blew Casey grabbed us shielding us from the flame. I kept trying to calm Trey down as he laid in my arms. "Your fine buddy. He won't get you." Casey said as he kissed Trey's head. He then stood up and looked back at the truck. "He's gone." Casey said as the police arrived. I looked up by the trees. I could see him with a loaded rifle. Just as it went off I rolled over quickly.

Then looked at the ground behind me. He almost shot Trey. I pulled my son closer holding him against me as Rouge came up with a pistol in his hand. "Freaking rapist cowboy." He mumbled. I stood up with Trey. "He didn't get hurt did he?" Rouge asked. "No. He's fine. Just a little shaken." I said. "Who is this?" Casey asked coming up. "My brother." I said. He looked at me oddly. "Brother by choice. Case. He's not here to hit on me." I said.

"You sure?" He asked. "Of course cowboy." I said wrapped an arm around him. He kept both arms around me still tense. I had him lean down. "He's not here to take Trey and I away from you. Trey barely knows him. Trey knows you better." I said. He kissed the top of my head. "Let's get you to a safe place." Casey said before looking around. He led the way to his truck. He opened the door helping me in.

"I'll stay here looking for him." Rouge said. I nodded. Casey got in and started driving. "Now tell me who he truly is." He said. "Like I said he's an adopted brother. His parents took me in while he and I were going from rodeo to rodeo. He's like the older brother I never had and wished I had. He's overly protective of Trey and I and will be until he absolutely knows that you will not hurt me like he did." I told him. Casey didn't say a word as he turned into a drive with a gate.

"I don't love him like that. I love you like that. He is more of a brother than anything. If anything he's going to team up with you to get him." I said. Casey still stayed silent. Once at his parents house he got out and walked in. I followed. He showed me which room Trey and I would be in before saying good night. I quickly set Trey down and stopped him before he could go another step.

"He means nothing to me Casey. He and I traveled across the country with four horses, a live in gooseneck horse trailer, and a beat up ford pickup. He doesn't see me as a girlfriend or even future wife. He sees me as a best friend, traveling partner, and a sister. He doesn't see Trey as a son, he sees him as a nephew. Trey doesn't know him. I hate saying this, but Trey has never met Rouge. Not until tonight. Trey needs someone that is taking time to get to know him, to actually protect him." I said.

He hit his head on the wall, rolling his eyes back. "Your the first one in this town that I know I can trust. You care too much to let go." I said tears starting to form. He cupped my cheeks. "Your the only woman I know that will say something like that. I'm proud to have you. I'm proud to know you and that little boy. You make my life have another meaning." He said quietly before kissing my forehead.

"I'll let you wear my shirt to bed." He said leading me back to the bedroom. He took his shirt off and handed it to me. He then turned around to let me change. I quickly got my own shirt off and took the wire bra off before slipping the shirt on. He turned around as I had finished getting my jeans off. I sat down on the bed as he picked Trey up setting him in the smaller bed next to the larger bed.

He then picked me up setting me down beneath the covers with him. He held me close against him. Casey jumped. "Hey little man. Can't sleep?" He asked. "Come here bud." He said before I felt a little hand. I reached an arm over Casey's waist feeling my little boy curled up to his side. I slowly retracted my hand resting it on his abs. His hand rested on top of mine. I fell asleep soundly.


"Buck. Come here." Ali said from Casey's old room. I went to the room and peered in. On the bed was our son, the lady he's been seeing and her little boy. He had his arms around both with one hand over her's. Our youngest has finally found his. He was the most patient one out of our eight boys.

The new character's name is pronounced like Rouge in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Rodeo kids will have the most unusual and creative names out there.

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