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Trey age: 2 years three months

I was stuck in a cast for ten weeks and I finally just got it off. I'm sitting at the desk with three of my tutoring students, Casey's nephew being one of them. As soon as the session was over their parents were here except his. "My uncle is coming to get me again." He said. "Still needing help with math?" I asked. "Always in math." He told me. "Then let's work on it until Casey gets here." I said.

He nodded as I helped him out. "Mama!" My leg was grabbed before a set of arms wrapped around me. "How was he at daycare?" I asked. "The same as yesterday. He's getting more used to the concept, just not as fast as he needs to." Casey told me. I kissed him as his nephew scrunched up his face. "Did your father ever tell you, you were going to get a very special person in your life that it may take a few times to find her?" He asked his nephew.

"Something like that." He said. "You'll understand one day then." Casey told him. "Ready to go home?" He finally asked his nephew. "Yes sir." He packed all of his things up and slung the bag onto his back. "I'll see you later honey." He said before kissing my cheek. I watched him leave before gathering my stuff up and having Trey take my hand. He walked beside me to my truck. I opened the door before having him get in.

I had him buckle in before I closed the door and got in myself. I had a mirror on the back window so he could see me. I made a funny face making him laugh before heading to the house. We then got out me having to unbuckle him. "Do you want to get a bath before or after supper?" I asked him as I sat him down.

"After. Can Casey do it?" He asked. "Your going to have to ask him baby." I said as I helped him onto the porch. I opened the door and set the keys on the table near the door and took my boots off. "Treyton where do your shoes go mister?" I asked him. He came over and took them off and set them by mine before running off. I went to the kitchen and got supper started.

The front door opened and had Trey running to the door. "Casey!" Trey yelled. "Hey little man." He said picking him up. "Could you give me a baf tonite." He asked him. "What did your mama say about it?" Casey asked him. "To ask you." Trey answered him. "If you want me to little man." Casey said. I finished supper and went in to greet him. "Hey honey. Miss me?" Casey asked.

I kissed him having to stand on my tip toes. He leaned into my ear. "Do you mind if I give him a bath?" He asked. "No. That's why I told him to ask you." I said. He kissed my temple. We then went into the kitchen and fixed plates before eating and doing nothing. Trey ran up to Casey asking for his bath. I'm sure Casey wanted to spend more time with me yet he agreed to it.

He stood up letting Trey lead the way. As he went to the bathroom I had to watch. I heard the water running. Then heard Casey tell him to do what he usually does for a bath. "Help me in." I heard Trey say. "Please?" I heard Casey say. "Please?" I heard Trey repeat. I then went to the door quietly to watch. I watched as they interacted. "No!" Trey complained when Casey tried to get him to sit still. "Do I need to go get your mama?" Casey asked him. Trey shook his head.

"It'll be really quick. I'll make sure no water gets in you ears." Casey told him. He then stood Trey up and had him washed in no time. "Pull the plug." Casey told him. "Now what next?" Casey asked him. "Towel." Trey said. I hid behind the doorframe as Casey found the towels and dried my boy off. "Now show me where your clothes are and what she's putting you in." Casey said standing up.

I moved away from the door and hid behind the door of my room. Casey passed by following Trey as he ran stark to his room. I quietly giggled at Trey's antics. He always does that. I then went to Trey's doorway. I watched as my son pulled a pull up on before pointing at the top drawer of his dresser. Casey lifted him up so he could pick out his shorts and tee shirt.

He then pulled his clothes on before seeing me. He ran to me. I picked him up and kissed his cheek as I took him back into the room. "Ready for bed baby?" I asked him. He nodded. I set him on his bed before kissed his head and walking out with Casey. "Did he behave?" I asked. Casey stopped me before standing in front of me. "He did fine honey. He was just acting like a little toddler. He only needs to learn what is right and wrong." He told me.

He kissed my forehead before holding me against him. "He'll grow up honey. He's still in his learning years and will be for the rest of his life. Don't worry he'll not want to be around you anymore but still need you to help him in life honey." He said before kissing me. Crying broke us apart. Trey always has nightmares, this time he's farther away than his bed. "The window." I said before running into Trey's room.

"Casey he's gone!" I yelled after flipping the light on. I then ran outside as a truck was about to take off. I grabbed the shotgun by the door and shot a bullet through the back window. The truck stopped. I almost ran out when the driver got out. "One more step and I will kill you over this boy." He yelled.

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