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I handed Jax Casey's horse before dismounting and getting Trey down. "Where's Casey?" Jax asked. "Walking the other one." I said as I refilled the water trough. I grabbed a set of fence cutters taking the fence down near it. The three horses greedily drank. The vet checked Trix over. "He's got burn patches, not as bad as it could be though." She said. Trey hugged my leg. I picked him up.

"Trix is fine baby. He just needs to recover from his fun." I said. He buried his head in my shoulder. Trix came over and sniffed him. "Twix." He said. The horse nickered before lipping Trey's hair. Trey giggled. "I see them." Jax said. I held Trey closer. Troop stopped. He lowered his head before continuing slowly. The vet went out to look at him. She was shaking her head just before Troop laid down.

"Mama." "I'm fine Trey." I said setting him down. I then ran out to see what was wrong. Casey wrapped an arm around me holding me against him. "He's lost too much blood honey." He said. I looked back at Trey. Trix had lain down and welcomed my toddler to sit next to him. My boy was laying on his horse's neck. "He's got a great bond with his horse. You had the same bond with Troop." Casey said. I wrapped both of my arms around him.

Tears started falling. A thumb wiped them away. "He'll be in a better place honey." He said trying to comfort me. He rubbed my back as Troop tried to reach up to me with his head. I sat down holding his head in my lap. Soon the life was gone from my horse. I continued to stroke his lifeless form until Casey lifted me up and carried me away. "Trey." He called. Casey set me in his truck as Trey came up. He picked my son up and got in himself.

He held my boy against him as I watched as Trix and the other two horses were loaded into the trailer. Another trailer was there for my horse. Casey took Trey and I into his parents house and to his old room. He set me on the bed before letting Trey lay down next to me. He kissed my cheek before Trey wrapped his arms around my neck tired. "I'll be back in a little bit." He said before leaving. I watched him close the door and let the tears fall as I knew I had my son and Trix still.

That man made sure we were safe before himself. My baby boy slept soundly as I dozed. No way am I going to let this boy's father get him. He doesn't deserve to raise this boy in his own ways. Trey is a better boy, and will be a better man than his biological father. I'm going to make sure of it if it's the last thing I do.


Trey's age: 2 years 10 months

I finished helping a student and got everything packed up. Casey and Trey were late. They're never late. I went outside with Casey's nephew and looked up and down the road. No sign of them. I then called Casey. He answered. "Blake. The daycare isn't letting me get him anymore since they're taking custody of him." He said frantically. "I'll be there in a second." I said before hanging up. I told Casey's nephew to get in my truck. I almost sped to the daycare. Once there I got out not wanting to hear what anyone was saying.

I entered and Trey was trying to run to me. "What's going on here?" I asked. "Department of child services are taking the child away because the place where he's living is his mother's boyfriend's place." The social worker said. "He's got everything he needs. I make sure of that. I want to know who gave you the right to take my son from me." I said. "My boss. If you want him back you have to win him back in court." She said before trying to grab my boy.

He broke from her grasp and ran for me. I picked him up and rubbed his back. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "The only way you can get him from me is if he goes willingly. If I treated him poorly he would have gone with you." I told her. "If you leave the building with him you will be jailed and that boyfriend of yours can't take him." The lady said. "I'm sorry I don't understand why you people are so against a single mother fighting off the father that only wants to kill the boy and doesn't even care what other people think." I said before walking out.

"You didn't." Casey said. "Never liked the system. They see a poor family situation and they want to take the children out and put them in a family that they think is better. He's fine where he is. You know I make sure of it." I said as I buckled Trey in. I kissed his tear stained cheek before closing the door as a police cruiser showed up. Matthew stepped out. "I know they told you what would happen. They can't legally take him until your proven guilty of mistreatment." He said. "But it does mean a night in jail. Casey. He knows you the best.

"I hate doing this, but. I have to do it." I looked over at Casey. He had a hurt look on his face. He then stepped over to me. "I'll take care of him for the night." He said before kissing my forehead. He hugged me. A tap on the window reminded me of my son in the warm vehicle. "May I say goodnight to him?" I asked. Matthew nodded. I opened the door and stood up on the step.

"Mama." "I'll be fine bub. You and Casey are going to have a boys night. Ok? Then he's going to cook you breakfast in the morning and take you over to his mom for the day. Ok? I'll see you when I can buddy." I said. He nodded. I kissed his forehead and let him hug me before I stepped down. Casey hugged me once more. "I'll take care of him baby. He's not going anywhere under my watch, and if we have to we'll go over to my parents." He said before kissing me.

I nodded before going willingly. Once in the cruiser Matthew tried to make conversation about it. I wasn't in the mood to talk.

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