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Trey's age: 1 year 3 months

Trey screeched as I held onto his hands. I stopped him at the door and put his boots on before taking his hands once more leading him out. He was walking mostly on his own by now. Trix came up and sniffed him. I then picked Trey up and let him touch Trix's face. Trix nudged him. Trey was fascinated with Trix. "Wanna go for a ride on mama's horse?" I asked. "Yeah." He said nodding.

I had him sit on the tack box while I put the saddle on Troop. I then had him sit on my saddle while I put the bridle on before leading my horse out. I mounted picking him up and setting him on my thigh. I let him take the reins in his small hands while I held him. I of course kept ahold of the reins. I led Troop down the road and to the bridge before turning him around and heading back to the house.

My phone buzzed. 'Taking Troop and the little man on a trail ride?' Casey texted. 'Yes I am. Heading back that way now.' I texted back. A few minutes later I saw a horse coming up to the fence with Casey on its back. "How did you know I was out with Trey and on Troop?" I asked as I turned Troop towards the fence. "It's usually this time of day you go for a ride down to the bridge and back." He said.

I then walked Troop along the side of the road back towards my house. Casey followed beside me. I he'd Trey closer as I got Troop to lope. I looked back, Casey keeping up with me. When he hit a fence I couldn't help but giggle. Once back home I dismounted telling Trey to hold onto the horn. He did so as I led Troop back in. I hauled him off the saddle and onto the tack box. He then tried to get down from there.

"No sir. Stay put." I told him. He started fussing. Then tried again. "No. Sit still or else I'm going to take you straight inside for a nap." I told him. He pouted as I took the saddle and bridle off Troop. He then tried once more this time getting off the box and almost running out. "Whoa. Where are you going?" Casey said catching him. Trey started fussing in Casey's arms.

"Thank you for catching him." I said taking my son from him. I rubbed Trey's back trying to calm him down. "He wants to go see Trix on his own." I said. Trix heard him and stuck his muzzle up by his face. Trey quieted as soon as he could touch his horse. "I wish I was like that as a one year old. My grandma just gave me a toy and would shut me up with a bottle of juice." Casey said.

I chuckled. Then led the way into my house. I set Trey in his high chair and gave him some puffs. He happily munched on them. "So what are you doing later?" Casey asked. "Depends. I'll probably fix supper, give Trey a bath and sit down on the couch with him and watch tv until he falls asleep just like every night." I said. "You do need some thrill in your life honey." He said.

"Well." I said. I looked away from his gaze. "What bothering you?" He asked. "His time is almost up at the jail. He's going to come right back here looking for me and force me to hand Trey over to him. He won't care for him like I will. He'll expect Trey to act like a six year old when he's only two. I'm not letting him get anywhere near my son." I said. "And he won't. I'll be over every day after I get off and your looking for a job right?" He asked.

I nodded. "What was your job occupation before moving here?" He asked. "A student tutor." I answered. "You'll have luck here with that." He said. "But he's going to." "He's not. Do you know the name of this road?" He asked. I nodded. "Triple R isn't it?" He asked. I nodded again. "Every single property on this road is owned by anyone in my family. That's why it's called Triple R Road. That's why your rent is close to nothing, along with the water and electricity bill. It was my sister in law that showed you the house when you came here with Trey that first day.

"She knew you would have trouble making ends meet with two horses and a son." He said. To be honest I couldn't stop going from his lips to his eyes. I know I can trust these people I just want the best for my son.

A Baby Changes Everything book 8 Triple R Where stories live. Discover now