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I woke up to knocking at the door. "Stay in bed honey." Casey said as he got up setting Trey back into his bed. He then opened the door in his underwear? Oh yeah. He took his jeans off around midnight when they were bugging him. "No. I don't want to worry her though. Not after last night dad." He said. "Ranchers on the other side of our land have spotted that cat. And if both of her horses are loose then they're both in danger." His dad said.

I got up off the bed and went over behind him. His hidden arm reached back. I grasped it. "I'll talk to her about it." He said before backing up and closing the door. He turned taking me in his arms. "Turns out that guy had struck a match to the house and it wasn't caught until midnight. The fire department caught it before it could spread too widely figuring out which room it started in." He said.

"And?" I said quietly. "He lit two matches, one in Trey's room and the other in yours. Both were in the dressers. Troop and Trix escaped after a post had burned down near the house making the fence fall. They got out and took off is what Matthew said when he got there. They had just broken loose when he arrived." He said. "Then we have to go out and find them." I said. "It's going to be too dangerous for you to go out with him." He said.

"Ok. Then who in your family does he trust? Because if I do take him Trix will come up to him willingly and Troop to me." I said. "They'll come to me." He countered. "Wrong. They know you for feed and water. They know Trey and I for companion. They won't come to you if you don't have feed or treats." I said. "Your stubborn woman." He muttered rubbing his face. "Thank you. I enjoy being stubborn." I said.

"Mama. Is Trix ok?" Trey asked from behind. I went over to him. "He just went for an adventure and got lost. He needs us to go rescue him and Troop." I said. He nodded. I picked him up. Casey scrunched up his face holding the bridge of his nose. "Your so stubborn." He muttered once more. "I enjoy my stubbornness." I said as I sat Trey on the bed before pulling my jeans from yesterday on.

I turned around before putting the bra and shirt back on before picking my son up and going to the door with my boots. "Going out for the horses?" Casey's dad asked. "Yes sir." I said. "Even when you don't know where they could be?" He asked. "I've got an idea. Trey and I rode Troop out in those woods to a spring. Chances are he led Trix there because it's fresh water and its peaceful." I said as Casey came in.

"Choose a horse from the barn, tack him up and go." He said before going out the back door. "Your crazy." Casey said as he got his boots on. "I know. I also know my horses." I said as I went out the front door. He followed before leading the way to the barn. He went down pulling one horse out then a few more steps and another out of another stall. He then came back. "Bought this one for an extra, this one is my personal horse." He said handing me the lead to a horse.

I tied the horse to a ring beside the tack room door and saw the name and stall number on the halter. I sat Trey on a tarp covered bale of hay before going to get the saddle and bridle. My first attempt to lift the saddle, I couldn't. Second I heaved it up and walked out slinging it carefully onto the horse's back. I fixed the girth and cinch before going back for the bridle. I quickly switched them out and put the halter on the numbered hook where the bridle had once been.

I then went back putting Trey up in the saddle before untying the horse and pulling myself up. I then pulled Trey up into my lap holding him to me. Casey swung up looking so hot in that white tee shirt and tight worn wranglers. "If we're going to find those two, you better show the way." He said before turning his horse. I let him lead the way out to his house. The house was mostly burnt down.

I went over grabbing two leads and turning Trey around. "Hold on tight to me." I told him. I then let out a shrill whistle. A shrill whinny had me move the horse to a quick gallop. I stopped the horse once more letting out another whistle. I then turned the horse towards the whinnying, this time two. I cantered him through brush before loping him towards the sound of rushing water.

There were both of my horses near the water. I dismounted telling Trey to stay put and hold onto the saddle horn. Casey came up right beside him holding onto the horse. Trix came right up to me. I clipped the lead on him. Then tied him to the saddle horn on my saddle. "Don't let him wonder Trey." I said before going up to my horse. I could see claw marks in his right flank and left shoulder.

He nickered stepping forward. I clipped the lead on as a cat like yowl pierced the air. I led him over to the group. "I'll lead him back by hand. Take my horse, Trix and Trey to safety. That cat will be after the injured one. I'd rather it be me than you hurt." Casey said handing me the reins to both horses and taking Troop from me.

"He'll be trailing you guys if you don't go now." He said making me mount. As I got my foot in the stirrup I saw the handgun on his belt. I untied Trix letting him trail back. "Hold onto me Trey." I told him. I had ahold of three horses. Once out I told Trix home and used the reins to run him back while leading the horse Casey had rode on. A two ranch trucks and trailers were waiting along with a vet.

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