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Trey age: Fouryears old

I tried to get Trey to sit still as he ran around the house in his underwear. In the past two weeks he's been completely potty trained. Casey stepped into the house as Trey bounded back down the hall. He gave an odd look. "He's been energetic all morning. I can't get him to sit still for a minute." I told him. He then took his boots off before having me follow. Everything was quiet. "Crouch down to his level and be ready to catch him." He whispered only for me to hear.

I got down before hearing a squeal before catching Trey. I held him tightly standing up. "Now why don't you want to get dressed?" I asked taking him back into his bedroom. "No!" He yelled. "May I see him honey?" Casey asked. I let him try to get the little stinker dressed while I found his clothes present. It was a few pairs of wranglers and some button down shirts. "No dress." I heard Trey yell. I guess I can give him this one early.

I stood at the door watching as Casey asked him what he wanted to wear. "Not what mama wants." Trey told him. "Then how bout these jeans and this shirt along with this?" Casey asked him. "No." Trey almost yelled. I slipped into the room with the box behind my back. "No clothes today!" Trey exclaimed. "Would you like to open one present early?" I asked. He sat down in the floor pouting. Please let this be the clothes he wears today.

I let him have it and watched as he ripped the paper off. His eyes lit up like Christmas morning when he saw the shirts and jeans. Then underneath them were a brand new pair of boots. That's what he was excited for. Next he was fully dressed and in the boots faster than I thought he would. He came right up to me hugging my legs. "Hang on now. Your missing a few things." Casey said tucking the shirt in before putting his belt on.

"There you look more like you should." He said before picking him up. "May I talk to him for a minute?" Casey asked. I let them be and went to make sure everything was ready for today. Trix was feeling frisky and he knew what today was. I quickly brushed him down before saddling him. "Every little cowboy needs a faithful steed." I told the horse. He nickered before they stepped outside. I scratched his neck before leading him over.

Casey put Trey on Trix's back. "I'll get my own honey." Casey said letting me get up onto Trix's back. I let Trey have more control of his horse while riding. "I wanna go faster." Trey told me. "Not yet. Wait until we get to the pasture." I told him. Casey caught up with us and led the way to the pasture. He opened the gate for us letting us go in before him. Once he was caught up with us once more I let Trey take more of the reins. He made Trix go faster.

No matter how much Trey wanted to go faster, Trix knew better than to listen to the now three year old boy. Once reaching a certain point Trix finally gave in and loped. I wrapped my arm around his little body holding him in place as he made Trix turn. After a few more minutes I told Trey we had to go back to the house. He nodded letting me take over.


I watched as she held onto him. He had the biggest smile on his face as he was leading his own horse. I just sat there watching. My own horse still as I watched my girlfriend and her son. I may not need biological kids, but he needs a dad figure and he's only known me. It would feel weird if she wasn't in my life. Him too. I sighed watching as they started for the gate. Looks like it's about time for cake and presents.

I knew while we were out here they were decorating the house. One thing I did while they were busy with daycare and her job was look through the horses and asked my brother which we weren't using at all. I decided on a gelding that could keep up with Trix and his antics. Once there I dismounted first before going to help Trey down. I then helped Blake down before pulling her to me. I had to bend down a bit to kiss her.

We then followed Trey with both horses in tow. He ran to the tack shed straight for Trix's box. He then came back with a brush. "I'll help him brush the horses down honey." I told her. She kissed my cheek before going inside. I tied Trix and my horse to the fence before taking Trix's saddle off. I loosened the cinch on mine and picked him up. I held him with the brush in one hand and his over mine.

"My mama really like you." He said. "I really like her too." I told him. "Are you going to be my daddy?" He asked. I stopped brushing Trix looking down at the look on his face. "Would you like me to?" I asked him continuing to brush his horse. I was looking down to him for his answer. He nodded. "So if I ask your mama, do you think she'd say yes?" I asked him. He nodded.

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