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I walked into the courthouse with Casey following as he carried Trey. Trey was completely asleep and thank you for that. I sat down next to my lawyer and saw that a hole of a guy sitting at the table across the way. The jury sitting closest to him. It didn't take long for it to start. Casey told me that one of his brothers was the judge in town, but can't be on this case because of family reasons.

The a hole went first pleading that I had stolen Trey from him even though it was the complete opposite. On and on about how I was terrible with the boy even going to the extent of dumping him off with my boyfriend to go drink and screw other men to get pregnant by. I was silently snickering and tempted to bust out laughing. "Something funny?" The judge asked. "No sir." I said becoming quiet with a twinkle that I'm sure was still in my eye.

When it was my turn I went up and answered every single question truthfully. "When was the first time this man started showing interest in the boy?" The male prosecutor asked meaning the man. "He's never shown true interest in him like wanting to raise him." I said. "What about the boyfriend?" "To me or my son?" I asked. "More over the boy." He said. "He doesn't mind the fact that it's another sperm instead of his own that created the child only seeing him as a child that needs a male figure." I said.

"So what you're saying is that he cares more about the boy than this man behind me." He said. "Yes sir. He's never been harsh or showed any signs of hate towards him." I said. "Even when the boy gets into trouble?" He asked. "Yes." I said. "So you wouldn't mind him being interrogated." He said. "Nope." I said popping the 'P.' I was dismissed from the seat back to mine behind the table.

I listened as Casey stated his answers telling how the man had been a complete threat to Trey and I. "No sir. There's no way I'd let harm come to either of them." He said once. After about thirty more minutes of him being questioned they called a recess. I used the bathroom and was able to sit down with my son on a couch. He was almost asleep when we had to go back in. I rubbed his back before letting Casey take him.

I sat back down next to the lawyer. "The ruling is, the biological father will not have custody of the child." The judge yelled. I glanced over before I was almost attacked. There was only one force in the way. I'm pretty sure he was off the ground from how tall my boyfriend was. He had him by the collar of his shirt. "I don't want to see you around her ever again. You've already caused her way too much pain. I don't want to see you around her son either. You don't deserve a little boy like him." He threatened.

"Mr. Ray. Please go back to your seat." The judge had said while he was threatening the man. He was pretty much scared of Casey and how he had ahold of him. Two officers took him out as he fought against them. Casey returned to his seat just before Trey crawled onto his lap. "May I have my juice?" I heard Trey ask quietly. He was learning from both Casey and I. He didn't care that Casey wasn't more than just my boyfriend.

He was looking up to this man because he was the first to actually spend time with my little boy and show him love that I could only dream of having. "Court will continue in two days." The judge said before dismissing us. I was the last that could leave. One person out of the way. Now I'll be battling the state for my child. Casey let me carry Trey out while he carried the bag.

"It's going to be the same jury for Thursday. They only heard how much you love and care for him. I don't know if the court will allow you to hold him during the trial." Casey said. "Chances are the state will win and I'll lose him." I said. "They don't have enough evidence to support their claim. You do. You had a paying job and now have your own business. Certain days you go and pick him up from daycare, other days you ask for me to pick him up." He said. "Plus the people around town have seen you and him together." He said.

"I know. But they can completely sway the jury to have him taken away. That's what I'm scared of."

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