Sixty eight

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⚡️Cindy's POV⚡️


I woke up in my bed of course.

Something didn't feel right.

Today had stressed me out, everyone's suddenly against each other because of some stupid comments section and rumors on a damn Instagram post.

I yawned and sat up in bed.

I looked to my right to see if jack was there, he wasn't.

He's probably gone back to his actual room and slept there tonight.

He'd been ignoring me since the whole fiasco, and either way, everyone in this house has been ignoring everyone in this house.

Suddenly nobody trusts anyone and we're all weirdly keeping an eye out.

Relationships in this house are weirdly departing or tearing apart, making everything...toxic.

I sighed and got out of bed, putting on some socks and an oversized tshirt over my sports bra.

I took my messy bun out of my hair and let my hair fall down my back.

I walked to the bathroom and sighed, staring at myself at myself in the mirror.

Does jack really not want me?

Is he secretly with Madison?

Am I the side?

Does he even have a side? Is he cheating?

Does he love me-

Of course he loves me, wtf are these thoughts?

This is what I'd  been dreading from the start...these toxic thoughts.

I need water.

I walked out of my room and slowly down the stairs, making my way to the colossal kitchen.

Damn, this kitchen is huge.

I walked over to the fridge and got some water, pouring it into a glass.

I sat at the kitchen island on top of the marble counter as I slowly sipped my water.

I checked my phone and social media.

People and fans asking if everything's okay between the squad and everyone's relationship.

I sighed, switching off my phone and ignoring it all.

I sipped another of my water.

I run my hand through my hair, holding back tears that were wanting to come out.

I swear, whenever I think of jack and I splitting, it tears me apart, he's literally what makes me whole.

I can't even imagine life without him.

I want him to be happy.

And if he's happy with someone else, like for example, Madison, I'd let him be with her as much as it hurts me, just to make sure he's happy.

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