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🔺 Cindy's POV pt2🔺

"So he walks in kissing this girl and she's moaning and stuff, and she's taking his shirt off already and he's unbuttoned his pants already.

He stops and sees Madison and I and he gets red as fuck in the damn face man! And I'm standing here, shook and confused because I still have no idea that's they're dating. So this girl is crying now-"

"Wait who's crying? Madison?!" I asked, on the verge of laughing.

"Almost. The one who's crying now is the girl G's fuckin with." He explains and I nod.

"Alright so this mystery girls crying and she looks embarrassed. I'm guessing she knew that Madison and G were going out. Madison then starts hitting G in the arm and G's pushing her away from him. Both girls crying now and I'm just standing there like 'wtf is happening?!?!' Then G looks at me and is like, wtf man! Kissing my girl and shit!?! And I'm just standing there." He laughed and I'm laughing so hard.

The people in the restaurant are looking at us now and we look back, smiling.

Our pizza finally comes.

"Yea we'll take our pizza to go." I smiled at the already annoyed waitress.

She gave me a face before rolling her eyes and walking away as I quietly laughed and gave Derek a high five.

"So I'm like, I didn't know that was your girl man! And he's like, that's a damn lie! You see us on social media and shit. And I'm like, man I don't keep up with you or any of your friends or girls or your life, back the fuck up. And he gets mad and punched me hard. So then I punch him the fuck back!" He smiled wide, shrugging as I laughed holding my stomach.

"Gilinsky punched you?!?!?!! Damnnnn!! But why was he getting so mad about you kissing Madison if he walked in kissing another girl?!?!!!! Andddd, you didn't even kiss Madison! Madison kissed YOUUU!!" I laughed.

"You're damn right Cin." He laughs.

"Mkay, so we're fighting real hard now. I can't see shit, he can't see shit. This girls are scared and can't pry us apart from each other so they both run downstairs and get some people. Sammy and Cameron tear us apart. I get up. I look at him and he had a bruised eye and his nose is bleeding and he had deep cuts in his lips. Same damage caused to me too. Then suddenly Madison starts fighting the mystery girl too, and her only instinct is to fight back! And then we all pry them away from each other. Everything simmers down, G shoo's everyone away. Madison goes the fuck home. Johnson tries to stay up here for G but G tells him to leave. I'm about leaving and he pulls me back." Derek said before catching his breath.

"This story juicy as fuck, D." I smile and whisper as he laughs.

Our pizza comes in a to go box.

Derek pays and we walk to the car.

"I'll drive." I get in the driver's seat as he takes shot gun.

I starts to drive back to the penthouse.

"So he pulls me back and starts this quick sidebar convo with me." He starts as he opens he pizza box.

"Damn this is sexy." He drools, looking at the pizza.

I look at him and he looks back at me in embarrassment and we both burst out laughing.

"A mood right there." I said in between laughs.

"He takes a slice and bites into it, groaning.

"Is that the sound you make when Madison's sucking your dick-"

"Fuck off Cindy." He hides his smile with a mouthful of pizza as I burst out laughing.

"I told you I will forever tease you about this." I laughed.

"Ok so G pulls me aside. He had gritted teeth and he goes, if you ever tell anyone about this, and if you even come close to me and my friends or my girlfriend, I will end you. He was like, Derek I will literally kill you and end you and your career." He said with a mouthful before swallowing his first bite.

"Is that some sort of threat?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I don't know-"

"D, Gilinsky is not going to kill anyone. Now feed me some pizza." I laughed, opening my mouth as he feeds me some while I drive.

"So I obeyed his instructions. And that's why I stopped talking to you for years." He quietly said.

We reached a stop light and I looked at him.

He was looking out of the window.

"Derek....so he's is the reason why you literally left me?" I asked.

"I'm sorry okay? I really am. I lied so much about everything, twisting everyone's words so that you wouldn't find out anything. I'm truly sorry-"

"We were so damn close, and you're telling me because of G, you literally stoped having contact with me?"

He nods and I sigh.

"But I'm not done with the story yet." He whines and I nod.

"So recently when we found out we were modeling together for a monthly span, I was the happiest I'd been in years. Of course you found out and I'm guessing you never forgot about me-"

"I never forgot about you Derek." I laughed as he fed me another slice of pizza.

"So G's going in tour, you're going on your travels, but with me. And G finds out, I'm not sure how-"

"Well I tell Gilinsky everything that's going on. I had to tell him I'm traveling for months. I thought you two were in good terms and he acted as if he didn't care when I mentioned your name." I explained with a mouthful.

"Well, little did you know, he calls me. He called me about a week before he left for tour and we left for modeling, warning me about you. He told me I'd done a good job staying away, but now, he's serious. He kept repeating that you're his and his only, and I shouldn't do ANYTHING to you. Like dude, we are best friends! I'm not gonna kiss you!" He explained.

"G's just overprotective, get that in your brain. But I'm still shook about this. He's done some prettty bad stuff." I laughed.

We got back home.

The car was off now and we were parked in our designated parking space.

It was quiet and we were still sitting in the car.

"So, who's the girl he was kissing?" I broke the long silence, looking out of the window.

He hesitated before slowly turning in my direction as I turned to face him too.

He swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Claudia Tihan." He smirked before leaving me in shock.


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