Seventy four

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💧Cindy's POV💧

"Shit." I mumbled as I took my hand wrap off.

My cuts were still deep and there was still a bunch of blood.

I'd been dreading to get stitches but, I guess I'm gonna have to get them now.

I'm just really happy to be back in LA, away from all the drama and craziness.

It's been a month now.

Everything's been going fine.

Some of us went through therapy.

I didn't need therapy mostly because I'd been through shit like this before.

It was just shocking fir us all to see all our friends so close to death that we couldn't take it all in.

"Babe what's wrong?" Jack asked, walking in with a bottle of water.

"My cuts. I shouldn't have squeezed glass in my hand in the process of breaking it in that bitches head-"

"C'mere." He put the bottle on my vanity desk before picking me up from under my thighs and walking over to the bathroom, then placing me down on top of the marble counter.

He took my hand and took off the blood drenched wrap, throwing it away in the trash.

"I think it's time you get stitches. You should've gotten them earlier, it doesn't hurt that bad I'm pretty sure they numb your hand or something, and get stitches so they don't catch and infection-"

"They didn't catch one G." I mumbled, placing my forehead on his chest as he cleans my hand and palm up.

He finished by wrapping a clean cast around my palm and kissing it.

I kept my head on his chest with my eyes closed, even though he was done.

"I'm done, beautiful ." He kissed the top of my head.

I still didn't move, I just kept my head on his chest.

"You okay?" He asked, bringing my head up and placing both hands on both sides of my face.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him through my eyelashes.

He looked at me and I looked right back.

Then one single tear drop leaves my eyes and he quickly sighs and pulls me into a tight hug.

"It's over now baby. It's just me and you right here, right now. Out friends are okay, we are safe." He mumbled into my hair, kissing the top of my head.

"Jack." I sniffle, pulling away from the hug.

"Yes Cin?"

"D-did you by any chance know that Madison was coming that night?" I asked.

"Babe, why would I invite her-"

"It's a yes or no question goddamnit." I said, getting frustrated.

"Of course not. No. Never." He shook his head.

"Mkay." I mumbled and hopped off the counter as I heard my phone start to ring.


"Yea what's up?" I asked.

"Umm, I'm not doing this, so you are. Come over to my house right now." She quickly said.

"Wha-" I started but she hung up on me.

"What was that all about?" G asked, after drinking his water bottle.

"Umm Claudz, she's being a meanie. Wants me to do something, not telling me what the hell it is." I groaned, plopping on my bed.

"What do you mean?"

"I've gotta go to her house and do something-"

"Go, I'll clean your room. It looks disgusting." He pulled me up.

"Sometimes I feel like you need to be diagnosed with OCD because you're a clean freak and you get pissed or triggered when nothing's in order baby." I laughed, getting my purse and phone.

"I bet I'm secretly diagnosed with it. It's meant to be. Go on now, shoo shoo, when you come back, your rooms gonna look like you just moved in." He laughed and led me out of my room.

"Bye!" I walked out.

"Wait wait wait! C'mere, you forgot something." Gilinsky called after me and quickly opened the door.

I turned around to see him pointing at his lips, asking for a kiss.

I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes, walking over to him.

He wraps both arms around my waist as he trails kisses from my forehead, to the tip of my nose, and finally to my lips.

I smiled and kissed him back before letting go.

"Hey." He whispered, letting both of our foreheads touch, "stay safe. And think happy ass thoughts." He smiled before planting one last wet kiss on my lips and going back into my room, closing the door.


"Jack and I were having an intimate ass conversation and my phone rings, I pick it up and it's you asking me to come over to----what the fuck?!" I yelled and backed up.

I was in the middle of complaining to Claudia about her making me drive to her house, until I got interrupted by her shoving a cute baby right in front of my face.

"What?!" I yelled again, jumping back.

"Aww, she's so cute! Don't tell me you find her repulsive!" Claudia coo's

"You know I hate children...but I lowkey love them." I started to smile and let the baby hold my thumb.

"Aww! You guys already love each other! I knew you were the right person for the job! Oh! And even better, since Jack is with you, both of you guys can take care of this baby! It will bring you two closer together as boyfriend and girlfriend Cindy!!" She ranted, smiling.





"No." I walked to the front door.

"Cindy you can't turn this opportunity down. I heard Jack is great with kids-"

"I know Jack is not great with kids, but he also basically knows nothing about them. Everyone thinks he's good with them because when there's a picture of him with a child, they look so cute and amazing-"

"Welllll, this could help you with when you have kids! It'll help you both!"

"Claudia, as my best friend you should know-"

"-You don't want kids I knowww! But, we're still growing babe, and you might change your mind on the long run. Come onnnn, I want this to be great for you and Jack. Pweasseeeeeeeeeeeeee-"

"Fine! You owe me big time!" I groaned.


next chapter is the continuation of this chapter.

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