The Horrible Woman

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That spontaneous visit certainly wasn't the last. In the week that came and went, y/n made it a point to visit Harry almost every other day. Harry wasn't the most social person; he was really quite introverted but enjoyed y/n coming over immensely. They didn't really do anything special. The pair mainly kept to Harry's small room but did go out for a wander around the bland neighbourhood.

One day, when y/n had come for the afternoon, they decide to go for a walk to a small playground near Privet Drive seeing as it was a lovely day out. They were having marvellous fun pretending to be little again, that was until a summer storm broke out and they were being pelted with rain. They ran all the way back to the Dursley's laughing at the predicament they found themselves in.

The two soaked teens came to the front doorstep of number 4 and Harry let himself in through the front door. The amazingly annoying muggles had gone out for the day and judging from the empty drive away, they weren't home yet.

"Don't suppose you have any towels?" Y/n asked, still laughing and panting from the run home.

"Yeah wait here I'll go get some," Harry replied before disappearing down the hall to find some towels to dry themselves off with.

Whilst she was alone, y/n took the opportunity to explore the house a little more. All she had really seen was Harry's room and the bathroom which she quickly ran to the other day when she realised that she was busting to pee.

The sitting room was meticulously clean, in fact, everything was clean. The carpet, the windows, the furniture, even the teaspoons were immaculate. It was honestly slightly creepy. The rest of the house seemed to hold the same spotless appearance.

Another thing y/n noticed were the picture frames along the walls and sitting on the mantle. Almost all of them had a plump blonde boy as the main focus and occasionally the equally disgusting parents of the child. Despite the masses of photos in the house, none of them seemed to feature a skinny boy with unruly black hair and shining green eyes. If you hadn't known of the boy wizard living upstairs, you would have thought there were only three people living in the house.

y/n frowned. Even she had a photo of Harry in her room. She had one of all her friends, it was almost as if they were really smiling back at her when she looked at the moving pictures around her room.

How dare they neglect him so much. It's like they wish he was never born- no, I know they wish he was never born! They wouldn't even bat an eyelash if they saw his image on the television with a headline announcing he had been murdered. If I ever have the displeasure of meeting them I swear on Merlin's great name-

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway broke y/n out her angered monologue. She looked out the window and saw the Dursely's beginning to get out of the car and approach the front door.

At the same time, Harry came back into the sitting room and shared the same panicked expression as y/n. They didn't have much time to react when they heard Mr Dursley's keys jingle in the lock. y/n darted behind the couch so she was blocked from immediate view. Harry did the same.

"What are we gonna do?" Harry whispered quickly.

"We? I'm the one whose in deep here. Hold on, I'll think of something," y/n said back quietly, scanning the room trying to frantically find a way out of this horrid house. She played with the end of her black hoodie string nervously. Her whole outfit was black, apart from the white t-shirt under her jumper. With her hood up, she would have looked rather shady...

"Ah ha!" y/n exclaimed quietly under her breath. She zipped up her hoodie and put up her hood. She looked like a proper robber. "Play along will you?" she told Harry pushing him out of the room and into the backyard and pointing at the bush. Harry understood and rushed over the bush and crouched behind it. y/n began to stuff things from the mantle into her backpack and pockets. Nothing valuable mind you, just knick-knacks like cat statues and the odd cheap vase. She was trying to find room for a crocheted picture when the Dursleys finally came inside.

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