The New Professors

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Once y/n had stumbled her way down to the compartment, Harry was awake and was in a serious looking conversation with Hermione and Ron. She was running so fast she almost fell over when she stopped in front of the compartment door and threw it open. The three stared at her in surprise and y/n was about to speak when she leaned over and began to regain her breath. She swore she had run up and down the train a dozen times trying to find the compartment.

"Ha-Harry... are you... alright...." She managed out through deep breaths.

"y/n are you ok? It looks like you've run a marathon," Ron said watching y/n huff and puff.

"Running... a lot... fine," she said waving a hand to dismiss his worry. She eventually got back her breath and straightened up. "So, are you guys ok? I kinda didn't get a chance to ask," she continued, eating some more chocolate Professor Lupin had given her.

"Yeah, we're fine. Are you ok?" Harry said.

"I'm good, but Professor Lupin said you passed out, are you sure you're ok?" y/n pressed.

"I'm sure yeah. But Professor Lupin said you went running out of the room after the dementor. Are you sure you're fine?" Harry questioned.

"Oh, yeah, that. Don't worry. I was probably just a bit freaked out by the dementor," she tried to explain, but it sounded like she too wasn't sure. The three didn't ask her about it anymore though, and for that, y/n was grateful. She didn't want them to worry about these nightmares she's been having. And besides, how many dementors was she going to see in her life? That was probably the one time ever!


Soon, the train careened into Hogsmeade station and they were all on their way to Hogwarts castle, being pulled by the horseless carriage. Once they reached the large gates and got out of their carriages, y/n left Harry, Ron and Hermione and went to go and find her Slytherin friends. Chloe, Valentina and Mirabella had become her close friends last year during the whole heir of Slytherin debacle as they were some of the only people who didn't care about the rumours, whether they be false or true. (Well, them and Draco). y/n spotted Valentina's honey blonde hair as she made her way towards the Great Hall.

"Val!" y/n called and her friend immediately turned to search for her friend. Once they made eye contact the two girls rushed over to each other and exchanged a long-awaited hug.

"It's so good to see you y/n!" Valentina exclaimed.

"Is that Miss y/n l/n?" A voice said from behind y/n. She turned to see Chloe waiting with a smirk and open arms in front of her.

"It most definitely is! Hi Chloe!" y/n greeted embracing Chloe.

"Oi! Am I gonna get a hug too or what?" Mirabella said bounding up to the group. They all had a big group hug before they broke apart and started frantically discussing their Summer holidays.Eventually, they had to make their way into the Great Hall for the feast and sorting. As y/n stepped through the massive doorway, she began to walk over to the Slytherin table. She walked down next to the Slytherin table and Gryffindor table, waving to friends from both houses as she went. Neville smiled at her and she grinned back. Peregrinn, her fellow beater on the Slytherin Quidditch team waved at her and she returned the gesture. And then, she made eye contact with Draco who was standing, talking to some of the other boys in her year.

"Draco!" She exclaimed walking up to him. He turned his head and once he saw her, he smiled. y/n quickly pulled him into a hug which he was not expecting at all, but he returned it all the same. "How was your holiday in Spain?"

"Pretty boring if I'm being completely honest," he began, "Father and Mother were always out meeting with friends apparently so I was left alone quite a bit. But I got to see a lot of the wizarding city just outside Basque. They had massive witch burnings there back in the day, so everyone had to evacuate and set up a new town, which is where I stayed,"

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