The Hippogriff

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Professor Trelawny quickly dismissed the class after Harry and y/n received their bad omens. The class was already whispering about their tea leave's predictions as they filed down the trapdoor to go to their next classes. News travelled fast in Hogwarts so y/n was sure that the entire school would know the story by supper.

y/n's next class was Care of Magical Creatures. Last year she was apprehensive about the subject, but now that Hagrid was taking the class she was sure that it would be enjoyable.

Along with Harry, Ron and Hermione, Chloe and Draco would be in the class too. At first, she was excited to have so many friends in the class, then she thought back to all of the other classes which Draco and Harry shared. Dread filled y/n's stomach and her face formed a frown.

"You alright, y/n?" Hermione asked, seeing the distress in the girl's expression.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine," y/ n said securing her book bag over her shoulder tighter as they made their way down the hill towards Hagrid's hut.

"You're not worried about that tea leaf deer, are you?" Hermione said.

"I don't know. I'm a bit confused is all," y/n said, focusing on her feet.

"You don't think that Grim and Stag thing has anything to do with Sirius Black, do you?" Ron asked, obviously worried.

"Oh honestly Ron, If you ask me divination is a very willy subject," Hermione scoffed at Ron, 

"Now, Ancient Runes, that's a fascinating subject,"

"Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term, Hermione?"

"A fair few,"

Ron stopped walking when an idea popped into his head, "Hang on. Ancient Runes is at the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two classes at once,"

"Don't be silly Ronald, how can anyone be in two classes at once?" Hermione said, "Broaden your minds!" Hermione said mocking Professor Trelawny.

"Use your inner eye to see the future!" y/n added and the two girls giggled together as they joined the crowd of students forming around Hagrid.

Once y/n joined the class, she spotted Chloe talking to Pansy Parkinson. y/n had never really interacted with Pansy and saw it as a good opportunity to make a new acquaintance.

"Hey Chloe!" y/n said, "And you're Pansy right?" y/n put on her best "making new friends" smile.

"Yeah, that's me. And everyone knows you, y/n." Pansy said, returning a quick smile.

"I wouldn't say everyone..." y/n said trying to stay humble.

"Oh, there's no need to be modest. You're name's just as recognisable as Potter's in this school," Pansy said, sneering slightly when she mentioned Harry.

"...Well yeah, kinda," y/n finally admitted.

"C'mon you should be proud of your popularity. It could be a very useful asset in the future,"

Before y/n could respond, Hagrid called out across the crowd.

"That's it come one now! Come closer! Less talking if you don't mind. I've got a great lesson planned for you today, a real treat. Let's get going," Hagrid began to walk into the woods and the class followed.

y/n was already intrigued by what Hagrid had in store. She was secretly hoping for a dragon, even though it was near impossible.

They had been walking for about 10 minutes when Hagrid turned to address his class.

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