The Boggart

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y/n pushed and shoved her way through the hallways to try and catch up to Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and-ugh, Pansy. After seeing Draco write to his father and overhearing the conversation with him and Harry, she was sure that trouble was coming. Draco always had a desire to get what he wants by any means. y/n thought back to the song the sorting hat sang the night she arrived at Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin.

"Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll find your true friends. Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends"

At the time, y/n assumed that Draco was sorted into Slytherin because of his character's natural malice which was, unfortunately, a common trait in Slytherin. But now, after somehow making friends with him and getting to know him more, she could see that the reason he was sorted so quickly was that he fit the hat's description of Slytherin in every way.

Draco and the Malfoy's had a wide range of resources thanks to his father's work at the Ministry, their wealth, and history as a wizarding family. Draco knew this and utilised them in every way possible.

Thinking about this new revelation made y/n realise how hard it would be to sway a person who knows exactly what that want and how to get it.

"I'm not going to let that dimwitted excuse of a wizard teach me and expose me to dangerous creatures in his class," Draco argued strongly in response to y/n's suggestion of forgetting the whole incident.

"But it was a one-time thing Draco and need I remind you, your fault," y/n shot back, "None of the other students have been attacked in Hagrid's classes, it was you who got hurt because you weren't paying attention nor respecting Hagrid,"

"None of the other student's have been attacked because they're looking after boring slugs in the garden,"

"We're not seeing any interesting creatures because Hagrid doesn't want to give the Ministry another reason to question his teaching!"

"His teaching? The man is dafter than a doorknob! He didn't even finish school for Merlin's sake!"

"Because an asshole like you cared more about his own selfish needs than others!"

Their argument continued like this at the lunch table, drawing the attention of the majority of the students and teachers there. Luckily, y/n had had enough public arguments for people to realise that she was a volatile force in times like these.

"Why do you need to make such a huge deal out of everything little damn thing that happens to you? You're acting like a spoilt brat, oh wait, because you are one!" y/n spat before marching away from Draco. As she did she heard Pansy say something like:

"Don't worry about her, Draco. She never was that nice in the first place,"

Her blood boiled and took every ounce of willpower to not turn around and begin the scream fest again.

She slumped down into a random chair nearest to her, too fed up to march all the way to the common room to sulk with Mirabella who spent most of her free time there.

"Bloody hell y/n, it's the first week of school and you're already getting into fights," Ron said next to her. y/n looked up from holding her head in her hands to see that she had settled at the Gryffindor table right next to Ron, accompanied by Harry and Hermione.

"It does seem to be a recurring theme," y/n huffed, turning her body to face the three.

"What happened this time?"

"I asked Draco to write to his father to tell him to forget about the whole Buckbeak thing that happened,"

"Well from the screaming match we just heard, I'm guessing it didn't go down too well," Hermione said.

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