The Sleepless Nights

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The name sent shivers down y/n's spine. The name that had been whispered and murmured around the castle and the rest of the wizarding world for months now. She quickly looked to the teachers to see what they were to do, they were there to protect her and the students after all.

Dumbledore remained calm as always but concerned nonetheless. The rest of the staff weren't as collected. Professor McGonagall looked extremely nervous and was also looking to Albus for counsel.

But Professor Snape didn't seem as concerned in the slightest. Hell, he wasn't even looking at Albus. Instead, his gaze was set on Professor Lupin in a hard and suspicious glare. Her Defence teacher saw this but not react, Professor Lupin just continued to listen to Dumbledore.

Snape saw y/n looking his way and realised she had seen him glaring. The two made eye contact but y/n quickly looked away after being caught.

Professor Snape has been acting strange around Professor Lupin. I wonder why?

"Secure the castle," Dumbledore ordered the staff, "And the rest of you, to the Great Hall!"

The students at the scene began to file down the stairs towards the Great Hall as the Prefects and Head boy and girl went to inform the other students around the castle.

As y/n was rushing down the stairs, she passed Harry who remained where he stood, staring up at the torn up painting with a cold gaze. She grabbed his arm and pulled him behind her to the Great Hall.

"C'mon Harry!," y/n said pushing her way through the students.

Once they came to the Great Hall, they found both staff and Prefects handing out sleeping bags to students. One of those helping was Peregrinn Derrick, a teammate on the Quidditch team and q fellow beater to y/n. She went up to the seventh year with Harry following behind.

"Peregrinn, what's with the sleeping bags?" She asked, taking one from him.

"We're not allowed back into our dorms because of Black, so we're sleeping here tonight," he explained handing a sleeping bag to Harry who accepted it with a smile.

"So we're sleeping on the ground?" y/n groaned.

"Yup, but these sleeping bags are supposed to be charmed so they're extra comfy,"

"Still not the same as a bed,"

"Yeah, but would you rather a murderer in your room or a safe small space on the floor?"

"Heh, yeah I guess it could be worse. I'll see you around,"

"Yeah, see ya," Peregrinn farewelled with a genuine smile.

Just as the pair walked away from their senior, Professor Dumbledore strode into the Hall making the buzzing and confused students go quiet.

"We need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Dumbledore said as the huge doors to castle could be heard closing in the background, "I'm afraid that for your own safety, you will have to spend the night in here until we are sure the castle is safe. I want the Prefects to stand guard over the entrance to the hall and I'm leaving the Head Boy and Head Girl in charge. Any disturbances or issues should be reported to them immediately," Dumbledore then turned to Percy who was looking extremely proud of the responsibility he was given, "Send any word through the ghosts,"

Just as Dumbledore was about to leave, he paused at the doors and turned back to the students, "Oh, and before I go-," He took out his wand from his silver robes and waved it to the roof. A glistening Nebula surrounded by shifting and sparkling stars was hanging above them, replacing the cloudy night sky that was once above them, "Sleep well," and then he left, closing the doors behind him.

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