The Marauder's Map

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With the beginning of a new week of classes on Monday, y/n found herself happy to have something to keep her mind off things. Even if it was school work. Draco was elated at Gryffindor's loss and took any opportunity he had to gloat to Harry. He had finally taken his bandages off and was making use of both hands by dramatically imitating Harry's fall. y/n grew more livid every time she saw him.

Their first class that morning was Defence Against the Dark Arts. The whole class was hoping that Professor Lupin had recovered by now so they wouldn't have to endure another of Snape's lessons. To their relief, Professor Lupin came striding into the classroom, smiling his friendly grin. Soon after the class had begun, the students filled Lupin in on what Snape had done in their class.

"It's not fair, he was only filling in. Why should he set us homework?"

"We don't know anything about werewolves-"

"-two rolls of parchment!"

The students continued to babble on about Snape and his lesson until Lupin managed to settle them. "Did you explain to Professor Snape that you hadn't begun your study of werewolves as of yet?"

"Yes, but he said we were really behind!-"

"He wouldn't listen-"

"Two rolls!"

Lupin smiled, "Don't worry, you don't have to do the paper,"

The class all heaved a relieved sigh and thanked the Professor. All except Hermione, "Oh no! I've already finished it!"

y/n had only made a start on her paper but had read and researched enough to grasp the main concepts and information of the creatures. But she was looking forward to being able to throw it out once she got to her dorm.

The class turned out to be another exciting hit amongst the students. Professor Lupin brought out a tank with an ugly creature with one leg that appeared to be made of wisps of smoke. He explained that it was a Hinkypunk, a creature that lured lost sailors into swamps and marshes, only to be luring them to their death.

The bell ringed at the end of the lesson and the students quickly filed out, rushing to their next class. y/n saw that Harry was being held back by Professor Lupin. "I'll see you in charms then?" she asked. Harry nodded and Lupin smiled at her as she left the classroom.


As the term drew on, y/n noticed a great lift in Harry's mood. She didn't know if it was Ravenclaw smashing Hufflepuff in their match (putting Gryffindor back in the running for the cup) or the promise of Christmas just around the corner. She was just happy to see him not down on himself all the time.

With two weeks left until Christmas break, a blanket of soft white pearlescent snow covered the muddy grounds and everything seemed to sparkle. The weather made the perfect turn around for the last Hogsmeade weekend of the term.

"We can do all of our Christmas shopping!" Hermione exclaimed the morning of the trip, "Mum and Dad would love those Teeth flossing Stringmints from Honeydukes!"

Harry sat quietly resigned to the fact that he would be the only third year not going. y/n was tempted to stay back with him, but she really did need to do some Christmas shopping. She was excited too that she would have a slightly bigger budget, seeing that her Grandmother had been crossed off the list. She saw no harm in this. She was sure she wouldn't receive a gift from her either.

After breakfast, the students heading out to Hogsmeade rugged up in their coats and scarves to brave the December air. As y/n, Hermione and Ron walked through the courtyard, they passed Fred and George beginning the construction of a snowman.

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