The Ruined Broomsticks

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The hospital was empty when a dozen or so soaked kids came in. Harry was still passed out on the stretcher that was floating a meter or so above the ground. Madam Pomfrey came rushing up to them, not looking at all surprised that it was Harry who was injured.

"I just knew there would be injuries today," She said, waving her wand so that Harry was lifted onto the bed, "It's ridiculous this weather. Not safe at all,"

McGonagall began to explain what had happened and Madam Pomfrey's mouth hung open the entire time. McGonagall must have mentioned y/n as well because her head snapped in her direction. She turned back to McGonagall to whisper something and they both nodded.

y/n was still glued to George who had a firm and secure arm around her. She wasn't crying anymore, just sniffling a bit and enjoying the hug. Fred saw that her tears had stopped.

"How are feeling, Little Snake?" he asked.

y/n looked up at him and sniffed again, "Better. Just a bit cold is all," she said shrugging.

"Do you wanna sit?"

y/n nodded and was guided to a seat where she sat quietly, playing with her hands. They were so numb she didn't realise she was holding something.

"y/n, what have you got?" Ron asked, pointing to her blue hands.

y/n looked down and opened her hands. The golden snitch sat idly in her fingers, frost hanging off its stiff wings.

"You caught the snitch?!" Fred said, taking it from y/n's hands.

"Yeah. I managed to grab it right before Harry fell," y/n said, her voice weak from crying.

"So that means... Slytherin won?" Peregrinn, who was awkwardly standing to the side, said.

y/n chuckled, "Huh, yeah I guess it does," she looked over to Harry, "He went through all of that and didn't even catch it,"

"Hey, you fell about a hundred feet too you know,"

"But I didn't get attacked by dementors did I?" y/n snapped back. She immediately regretted her tone, "Sorry,"

"Don't stress. You went through a lot just then," Peregrinn said pulling up a chair and sitting down next to her.

Professor McGonagall came back to the group with Madam Pomfrey trailing closely behind. Pomfrey began to check over Harry, looking for any serious external injuries. When she found none, she suddenly turned to y/n and began inspecting her. In the process, she dropped the snitch and it fell to the ground, ringing like a bell when it hit the floor.

"What was that?" Professor McGonagall asked, looking around for the source of the bell.

"The snitch, Professor," Hermione said, bending down to pick the snitch up. She handed it to McGonagall who took it with a blank face.

"How did it get here? Was it in Potter's hand?" She said.

"No, Professor," y/n spoke up, "I caught it," she couldn't help but feel proud.

"Oh, is that so?" McGonagall said, surprised by the fact that y/n had beaten Harry as a Seeker, "Well then, I'll have to change the result from a draw to a Slytherin victory," y/n saw her struggle to say the words. Like she had a lemon in her mouth.

"That seems to be the best course of action, Professor," y/n could only imagine how much Professor Snape would have enjoyed this, had he been here.

As McGonagall left the hospital wing, Hagrid came trudging in. He was holding a broomstick in one hand and cradling a bundle of what seemed to be twigs in a Gryffindor flag. "Ello all," he greeted. He set the bundle down on the end of Harry's bed, the wood crunching as it settled. "I believe this is yours, y/n," he said, handing the broom to her.

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