The Patronus Charm

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y/n's third Christmas at Hogwarts started like any other. She awoke in her empty dorm room and smiled at the window as snowflakes padded against the glass. White Christmases were always a treat. She sat up in her bed and stretch out her arms. Nimbus woke up to the sound of her movements and purred softly with content. "Merry Christmas, Nimbus." y/n whispered.

Finally decided to leave the alcove of her blankets, y/n swung her legs over the side of her bed and slid off the mattress. The cold floorboards sent a shiver up her legs and she wriggled her toes in discomfort. After retrieving a pair of socks to shield her feet from the morning chill, she left her bedroom with Nimbus and descended down into the common room.

It was, of course, empty. Aside from the twinkling of the tree in the corner and the flames of the fire licking the air delicately, they were the only sign of life in the dungeons. y/n padded over to the tree where she spotted a couple of gifts waiting for her. All wrapped up with red and green paper, some neater than others. y/n could already match the gift to the sender just by the wrapping.

Hermione's was of course meticulously wrapped with every edge perfectly creased and stuck down. y/n almost felt bad for ruining all the work that went into the presentation. She tore off the paper to reveal a gorgeous notebook with brown leather binding and a golden button clasping it shut. Harry and Ron had gone to a lot of effort to hide how terrible their wrapping skills were. on top of the paper (which was torn in several places already) were dozens of red and gold ribbons tied into messy bows. y/n giggled as she pulled apart the wrapping, which Nimbus happily played with. Inside was a brand new black knitted scarf which was as soft os Nimbus's ebony fur.

She was ecstatic to receive yet another kitted jumper from the Weasley's as well as a whole tin full of shortbread biscuits. The jumper was black with silver thread running through it. It matched the scarf almost perfectly. y/n felt the love from Mrs Weasley wash over her as she pulled the jumper over her head and on top of her pyjamas. She hugged her arms around her and took a bite of one of the buttery shortbread biscuits.

She ignored the fact that there was no parcel from her Grandmother.


"Merry Christmas!" Dumbledore cheered when y/n arrived at the table when the remaining wizards and witches communed for lunch.

"Thank you, Headmaster. And good tidings to you also.' y/n replied.

There's me getting all formal around teachers again. Ugh, I sound so annoying.

y/n sat down in the free seat next to Hermione. She thanked her for the notebook and talked about the other things they had received. Harry and Ron joined in too. y/n couldn't help but smirk ar Ron's maroon jumper. Yet another one in his least favourite colour.

"Tuck in!" Dumbledore said, and the table of teachers and students began to fill their plates. y/n was about to pinch one of Hermione's roast potatoes when Professor Trelawny came rushing into the hall."Sybill, what a lovely surprise," Dumbledore said, "Will you be joining us?

"I was crystal gazing, Headmaster, when I had a vision of me leaving my solitude dining to join you all," Trelawny explained.

"Well, then I'll draw up a chair," And Dumbledore stood and did just that. He drew a chair up with his wand and it plonked down between Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. But Professor Trelawny did not sit down just yet. "Is there something the matter?"

"If I join the table we will be thirteen! It is most unlucky. Never forget that when thirteen dine together, the first to rise will be the first to die!" Trelawny exclaimed.

"We'll risk it, Sybill," McGonagall said, pushing out the chair for her with a tight mouth. Sibill frowned but sat.

Lunch went on with everyone taking their fill. y/n chatted with Harry and Ron, mainly trying to redirect Ron's anger at Hermione about Crookshanks trying to eat Scabbers that morning. As everyone's plates began to empty further, y/n noticed that someone was missing from the table.

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