The Time Turner

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"Truly terrible business... shocking it is... miracle none of them was killed... never in my years of Minister... dear Merlin... it was lucky you were there Snape..."

"Thank you, Minster."

"Order of Merlin Second Class, at least! First class if I can manage it."

"Thank you very much indeed, Minister."

"That's a nasty cut you have there, Black's work I presume?"

"As a matter of fact, it was Potter, Granger, and Weasley's doing."


"They were bewitched. Noticed it immediately. They all seemed to think that Black was innocent. The only student who had seemed to have managed to break free of the Confundus charm was Miss l/n. She did try to assist me but was overcome by Black's charm again. 

"However, the Gryffindor's interference may have assisted Black in his escape. All four have gotten away with a great deal and I'm afraid that it has allowed them to think rather high if themselves. I presume this mindset was what gave them the confidence to think that they were going to catch Black single-handedly. And of course... Potter has always been given an immense amount of licence by the Headmaster-"

"Ah, well, Snape... Harry Potter you know... we've all got a bit of a blind spot where he's concerned..."

"And yet, is it good for him to be given so much special treatment? I for one, treat him like any other student. And any other student would be suspended - at the very least - for leading his friends into danger. Consider, Minister, after all the rules he's ignored, after all the precautions put in place for his protection - out of bounds, at night, consorting with a wanted criminal and a werewolf - and I have reason to believe he has been visiting Hogsmeade illegally too. Take, for example, l/n. She was in as much danger as Potter, was given the same precautions and had to obey the same rules, yet she has not nearly as much favour above the other students as Potter does-"

"We'll see, Snape...we'll see... the boy and l/n have both been undoubtedly foolish..."

y/n lay motionless on the hospital wing bed, her eyes glued firmly shut as she listened intently to the conversation happening just beside her. She had been conscious for a few minutes now but knew that the minute the two saw she was awake, they would move their closed conversation to a more closed space, out of earshot. 

And so she lay there, listening to Snape's bogus story on how the night had unfolded thus far. With her eyes closed, she was much more aware of each part of her body, or more specifically, how much each part of her body ached in pain. Her arm still stung under the familiar feeling of tight bandages that Madam Pomfrey had secured there with expertise. Her head throbbed and her limbs felt like enormous weights that she would never have the strength to lift. But still, she listened.

"What amazes me most, is the behaviour of the dementors. You say you have no idea what made them flee?"

"No Minister, by the time I had arrived down by the lake they were all returning to their positions at the entrances."

"Amazing. And yet, Black, Potter, and l/n-"

"All unconscious by the time I reached them. I bound and gagged Black, naturally, and conjured stretchers and brought them all back to the castle."

y/n heard two pairs of footsteps leave the hospital wing and she dared to open her eyes. She was almost blinded by the dim light flooding her vision. She squinted to make out her surroundings. The blurry outlines of Hermione and Harry laying on their own beds were across the room from her. Hermione had her eyes wide open in shock, she had been listening to Snape and the Minister as well as y/n.

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