The Horrific Fall

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The day of the match came with roars of thunder and floods of rain. y/n awoke early in the morning at around two thanks to another one of her nightmares frightening her from her slumber. She was shaking and dazed, not knowing where she was for a moment until Nimbus came over to comfort his distressed owner. This was becoming a routine: wake up far too early, cuddle Nimbus, try and be brave.

y/n stoked Nimbus' ebony fur, trying to even out her breaths and calm her racing heart.

After a few months of the same dream, you would think I wouldn't get scared anymore.y/n thought to herself, chuckling to try and lift her mood even a little.

Being brave was the hardest part of this routine.

Well, at least now I know that I wasn't sorted wrong.

She thought again whilst looking around her Slytherin dorm with her sleeping friends. Mirabella had once again fallen asleep whilst reading her book. The page was still open but the reader sound asleep. y/n remembered that Mirabella and Chloe had stayed up late, talking and gossiping about who knows what.

Withdrawals from the dreamless sleep potion came with being constantly zoned out. It was like sleeping with your eyes open. y/n didn't take in much information, whether in class or not. The other girls had to repeat themselves sometimes three times to get a simple message through to her.

Seeing that there was really no point in trying to fall back asleep, y/n opted for sitting in the common room by the fire. It was quiet and peaceful down there and when she was by herself she could bring Nimbus down and not bother anyone.

She sat quietly on one of the leather upholstered couches, looking through the floor to ceiling windows which allowed her to view the lake. She would sometimes see a nocturnal creature's silhouette swim past, disturbing the underwater plants and seaweed.

Normally, the unknown would bother y/n. Urge her to know more. But she felt calm.

She felt brave.

Brave enough to face mother nature and tell her to do her worst. Brave enough to mount her broom and soar to victory. Brave enough to be unapologetically Slytherin. 

The hours passed slowly, like time does when you're doing nothing. But eventually, the first few students came down from their dorms to sit in the common room until breakfast would begin. When the common room began to crowd, y/n slipped upstairs to put on her Quidditch kit.

It fit her much better now that she had grown a bit. The woollen green and silver jumper framed her torso since she was no longer drowning in the fabric. She left her robes and guards in her room, as well as her bat which she wouldn't be needing today.

Once she dressed, it was time for breakfast. So y/n made her way to the Great Hall by herself, eyeing the rain that pelted against the windows of the castle.

As it was before any Quidditch match, the air was tense as the Gryffindors and Slytherins eyed each other off like they were each other's next meal. y/n made her way to her own table and opted to sit with the rest of the team rather than the girls. Flint looked nervous as another rumble of thunder crashed outside.

"It's going to be near impossible to play in this weather," he thought out loud as he picked at his meal in front of him.

"We'll be fine, Marcus," y/n said, "Besides, with me as a seeker, we're bound to win," y/n joked, shovelling some more bacon into her mouth.

"Yeah, but it's going to be hard without you by my side, y/n," Peregrinn joked. He was sat across from y/n and was piling food onto his plate as well.

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