The Mysterious Potion

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After Draco was plopped down on a bed in the Hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey was alerted by his wails of exaggerated pain.

"Hagrid! What's happened to him?" Madam Pomfrey asked, already preparing to heal the worst of wounds in case.

"We were- we were out with Buckbeak and- and Malfoy agitated him and he got hit with one of his hooves," Hagrid managed out, obviously worried about what would come of this.

"Did it look bad?"

"Well, not really-"

"Not really! It feels like the bloody chicken sliced my arm off!" Draco yelled at Hagrid, still clutching his arm.

"Well then let me see, boy, or it won't get any better," Madam Pomfrey scolded.

With a glare at Hagrid, Draco let go of his arm and allowed Madam Pomfrey to inspect it. y/n saw that it was just a scratch, albeit slightly deeper than average, but nothing serious.

"You'll just need a couple stitches and a sling is all. You could use a wound closing serum on it but my stock is empty,"

Draco rolled his eyes, "Of course they are," he muttered under his breath, earning a look from y/n who was the only one who heard his remark.

"You can go now Hagrid, Mr Malfoy will be fine," Madam Pomfrey said to the half-giant and Hagrid gave a half-hearted nod.

He began to leave the Hospital wing, his head hung and his fingers fiddling with themselves, a telltale sign that Hagrid was nervous.

Worried for her friend and now Professor, y/n quickly caught up to Hagrid just as he was about to close the doors.

"Hagrid, wait!" y/n called causing him to stop and turn, "Don't worry, I'll make sure the Draco doesn't take this to his father,"

"That's awfully kind of you y/n, but I don't think it wise for you to get involved with this," Hagrid said, "Don't worry about me, I'll be alright,"

"Are you sure?" y/n asked, not letting go of her desire to protect her friend.

Hagrid nodded "I'm sure. Now, I should go and check on Buckbeak. I'll see you at dinner,"

"Ok, see you later, Professor," y/n farewelled, laughing at how strange it was to call Hagrid "Professor".

y/n re-entered the Hospital wing and walked up to Draco's bedside, where Madam Pomfrey had already finished stitching him up and putting his arm in a sling.

"You really are a handful, you know that?" y/n said, with her arms crossed and a frustrated look.

Draco laughed, "You sound like my mother,"

"Good, somebody needs to keep you in line,"

Draco said nothing and only chuckled, not seeing the serious side of the situation that y/n was.

"Draco you could have died! You heard Hagrid, the last thing you want to do is insult a Hippogriff, and what's the first thing you do? You call it an ugly brute!"

"No, I said it was a big ugly brute,"

There was a pause, y/n couldn't help herself from laughing for long. She let a smile creep up on her lips, but turned as to not satisfy Draco.

"Oh is that a smile I see? Is y/n l/n smiling at my humour?" Draco teased, leaning around, trying to catch y/n smile.

"You, Draco Malfoy, will be the death of me," y/n admitted, letting her grin show shaking her head, "Well, I'm missing Charms because of you and I will not fall behind just for you to take over me,"

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