The Beginning of the Plot

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y/n didn't remember much from the walk back to Hogwarts. She was so deep in thought as she stared at her boots like she was trying to set them on fire that the trip took no time at all. As soon as she got back inside the warm halls, she left Harry, Ron, and Hermione. y/n had too much on her mind to discuss.

"y/n? y/n wait!" Hermione called after her as she spotted y/n darting down the stairs to the dungeons.

"Not now, Hermione," y/n grunted back, but Hermione was persistent.

"What's wrong? Is it about Black?"

"Of course it's about Black!" y/n snapped as she turned around quickly to face Hermione. She wasn't alone. Ron was trailing behind her but there was no sign of Harry, "Look I don't want to talk about it right now. I- I need to think..."

"About what?"

"About how I'm going to hunt down Sirius Black,"

The group was quiet. The dungeons echoed their chilled breaths around them in the dank corridors. Hermione and Ron shared a worried glance, only for a second.

"y/n listen to me," Hermione started, wearily approaching y/n, "If you go after Black, you'd be playing right into his hands. If he has an excuse to hurt someone, it will only make it easier if you go to him,"

"But if I do nothing, then the dementor will get to him before I can get any form of revenge," y/n said lowly, "I don't care if the dementors don't affect him. I don't care if he's a mad killing psychopath. I'm going to find him. And when I do, he's gonna wish he never insulted the l/n name,"

"y/n what did you hear? You don't sound like you y/n-"

"People often change when they find out something they weren't meant to know," y/n deadpanned, "Why do you think no one thought to tell me that I'm in danger. They bothered to tell Harry because he's important but reckless. They didn't tell me because I'm not important at all but I'm deadly. They knew I would do something about Black and damn right I am. He can't attack my father, insult my name and burn down my house without paying the consequences,"

Hermione and Ron took a moment to process this, "Don't do anything stupid, y/n. You could get into a lot of trouble going after him," Ron warned.

"I'm too smart to do stupid things. I only do the unexpected," y/n said. She sighed, "Look, I have no idea how I'm going to beat Black. He's obviously powerful and skilled at magic and has mountains more experience-"

"-Another reason not to go after him!"

"-but I think I know who can give me a good start," y/n said nothing more and set off down the dungeon's halls. Hermione made a move to follow her but thought better of it. There would be time to discuss this later.

y/n kept her head down as she made her way to the common room. It was crowded with students escaping the cold outside, snuggled up in blankets and gossiping and joking around the raging emerald fire. y/n saw Mirabella, Chloe, and Valentina sat in a circle sharing their sweets. She wanted to catch up with them before they all left for Christmas.

Chloe had stayed back last year and they had the most wonderful time, but she was heading back to her family this year. Mirabella and Valentina came from pureblood lineages and so getting the whole family together was a big deal at this time of the year. y/n wondered if she would have had big Christmases with her mother and father if they were still alive.

"Hey guys," y/n huffed as she slumped down onto the ground, crossing her legs and taking off her coat.

"Hey y/n," Chloe smiled.

"You look awful," Val commented, popping another sweet into her mouth.

y/n emptied out some of her own sweets to contribute to the pile making the girl's eyes light up, "I figured as much considering how shit I feel," she grumbled.

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