The Tea Leaf Omen

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When y/n woke up, it felt like she had never gone to sleep. But she had long gotten used to the effects of the dreamless sleep potion. She made a point of hiding the flask that held her key to a peaceful night well, not wanting the other girls to find out and become worried.

After throwing on her uniform and quickly tying her tie, she made her way down to breakfast. The first thing she heard was the loud laughter of some Slytherins as Draco joked with them. Eager to join in the fun, y/n made her way over to them.

"Morning, Draco," y/n said joining the group, "What's so funny?"

Draco was about to respond when his eyes quickly darted over to the entrance and a devious smile played on his lips. Harry, Ron and Hermione had just entered the Great Hall and were making their way to their seats at the Gryffindor table. As they passed, Draco did a ridiculous impression of swooning and fell into the arms of one of his mates, followed by a roar of laughter.

Hermione pulled Harry along, "Ignore him," she said from behind him, "Ignore him he's not worth it,"

"Hey, Potter!" Pansy shrieked in her obnoxious voice which frequently almost drove y/n to insanity, "Potter! The Dementors are coming! Ooooooooo!"

y/n rolled her eyes and quickly went to join Hermione, Ron, and a forlorn Harry. As she left the Slytherin group, she heard Draco calling after her.

"Wait! y/n come on, it was just a joke!" He called, but y/n didn't turn back to him. She stood around where Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred and George were sitting at the Gryffindor table.

"Hey," she started to alert them to her presence, "Sorry about Draco, I'll ask him to stop,"

"No, don't do that y/n. I don't need someone to get rid of my troubles for me," Harry said.

"Are you sure? He's being pretty annoying though, even I can say that,"

"Hey, what's this about little Malfoy?" Fred asked

"He exists," Ron huffed and nodded over to where Draco pretended to faint in terror again.

"Don't let it get to you, Harry. I wasn't too happy myself when they came on the train," George consoled, "They kinda make your insides freeze, don't they?"

"But did either of you faint?" Harry asked lowly.

"Forget it, Harry," Fred said, "Dad had to go there once. Said it was the worst place he had ever been, right George."

"Yeah, he came back all shaking and stuff... They suck the happiness out of the place, Dementors. Most prisoner's go mad within a week." George said, taking a thoughtful sip of his pumpkin juice.

"Anyway, we'll see how jolly Malfoy looks after our first Quidditch match," Fred added, "Gryffindor versus Slytherin, the first game of the season, remember?"

Harry seemed to lighten up at the thought of getting back onto his broom. Quidditch always put Harry in a good mood, and the prospect of beating Malfoy again definitely put him in good spirits.

"Don't get too excited boys. You'll have to get past Slytherin's star beater if you want to get anywhere near that Snitch," y/n said with a smirk.

"Oh sure, little snake," Fred laughed throwing an arm around y/n and pulling her into a rough, brotherly hug. George did the same and trapped her in the hug.

" 'Cause you're so rough and tough. We're practically shaking in our boots," George teased.

"Well you should be!" y/n said, wiggling out of their arms.

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