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My name is Nick Jonas & up until about a year ago, my life was pretty perfect. It wasn't quite a year ago, but it sure feels like it, when I look at how much my life has changed in that time. I had a career that was going well, both in the acting & music world. I had the gorgeous, former beauty queen, Olivia Culpo, as my girlfriend, actually my fiance at one point. Yes, my life was pretty close to perfect. I had amazing friends & a supportive family & I was healthy & happy. Then one day, my life stopped being perfect. I was betrayed. I was heartbroken. I was conflicted. I was a mess, to put it mildly.

I have always been level headed & perceptive, but right now my head is fucked up. Pardon my French. Actually, I never used to cuss that much, but I've been doing it a lot more, lately. I guess getting your heart broken will do that. Correction. Having your faith in people destroyed by a person you trusted with your heart, will do that.

Tomorrow I am marrying my best friend, Demi Lovato, who is also carrying my baby. Nick Jonas is having a shotgun wedding. Those are two things I never thought I'd ever hear in the same sentence. Yet, here I am. I knocked up my best friend & tomorrow I'm going to make an honest woman out of her. At least, that's the plan. My head is conflicted as my eyes watch a gorgeous redhead shaking her beautiful body in front of me. I'm watching her. Not her face, no. I'm watching her creamy white skin, covered with clusters of freckles & her glorious curves as she moves them in just the right way to make a man want to be lying, on his back, underneath her.

I sighed, deeply, hearing my brother make some sort of man call beside me. I felt him nudge my arm with his elbow & I rolled my eyes. I looked again at this woman in front of me, turned, with her back to me, so I got a great view of her perfect ass. I started to feel guilty. I know. It's my bachelor party, my right of passage as a man who is about to commit to one woman for the rest of his life. One woman. For the rest of my life? Can I do this? Do I want to do this? As I'm watching this female figure move seductively in front of me, my head feels like it's about to explode. I'm not even 23 years old yet. For the next fifty some years, could I only have sex with one woman? Hell, I had no idea. If I married Demi, tomorrow, that is exactly what needed to happen. I wasn't a cheater. I would take my wedding vows very serious. But would I be tempted? I'm sure I would. I just would have to be strong. I just have to remember my love for her. Now comes more of my fucked up brain. Did I really love Demi deeply enough to stay faithful to her for the rest of our lives? Was I in love with her? I wanted to scream right now, because of the inner struggle that was going on in my head at this moment. I needed to get out of here, so I could think clearly. The alcohol I had ingested, the heavy cigar smoke filling the room & the smell of cheap perfume was affecting my brain & making it hard to think.

I leaned over to my brother, Joe, who was staring at a blonde woman in front of him, his mouth hanging open. "Care if we get out of here?" I asked, talking loud over the music. It wasn't even good music & that was disappointing.

Joe scowled at me. "Are you serious? You want to leave when there is a half naked, gorgeous woman in front of you?" He shook his head as if I was the biggest disappointment ever to walk the earth. "You want a lap dance, don't you?" He smirked, nodding with his eyes narrowed.

I shook my head, glancing up at the redhead to give her a reassuring smile, in case she heard my brother. I was a nice guy. I didn't like to ogle women like this, but I am a guy, so it does come naturally. I can't help it. It's how we are wired. I respect women. I respect this woman in front of me. She was doing a job. One that she was really good at. She was very talented. I could tell by the way she moved & the things she did with her mouth to various pieces of fruit. I leaned closer to Joe. "I just need to leave." I said in a firm voice.

He chuckled, shaking his head, still staring at the blond. "You feel guilty, don't you? Don't worry, Nick. Demi won't be mad if you're enjoying yourself. As long as you don't fuck any of them, she'll be cool."

In The End (Sequel to In Real Life - Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now