It's complicated - Chapter 6

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Harry p.o.v

I give John a smile and promise him I'll be back here to go to the studio's later. He eyes me and I look at Flora who I think must be terrified in case he see's the purply mark I left on her neck, I feel bad about that.. I really do. 

She puts her Ray Bans on as we start down the steps, I see the others lounging around and splashing about in the pool. 

"Hey" I say going over to them quickly, Flora smiles shyly, Lauren bounds up to her. 

"Hey you! did you have a messy night last night?" She laughs tossing her head back with laughter, I remind myself to get round to asking her what they got up to. 

"Lauren shh!" Flora hisses, because her dad is only inside the open doors. 

"Sorry, but did you have sex?" She says laughing. 

"LAUREN!" Says Flora, blushing, I can't help but laugh at that. The other girls gather round, to get the gossip I suspect.

I see Flora pull back her hair and them all gasp. 

"No way! He did that !?" I hear Abbie exclaim as Flora hushes them. 

"You did what?" Asks Liam.

"Emm.. nothing special" I say, it's my turn to blush now, I never usually do stuff like that, I didn't mean to make a mark like that. 

"Come on, don't make me go and look myself?" Louis teases. 

"Fine, I gave her a love bite" I sigh, dreading there reaction , I hear Zayn laugh and the other boys follow, it actually is, when I think about it, embarrasing. I sound like an animal. 

"Didn't think you were that type?" Says Niall. 

"I'm not, usually" I say.

"Harry can't control himself, she must be special" Laughs Louis. 

"Oh whatever.." I huff, I sort of feel like I'm in denial. I know she is special, and I really,really like her, the way she's always smiling, and laughing, and the way she smells when I hug her. I push those thoughts away she made it clear to me it can't happen, she obviously doesn't want it to, and last night was pretty much an accident on her part. Anyway I couldn't let her go through all the hate that she would it's selfish of me to think like that. 

But that's my problem, I love the chase, and all though that's what she's trying to avoid but she can't help it either, the more she pushes me away, the more I'll like her.

"Come on" I say pulling her away from the girls.

"Sorry, I had to show Lauren, or she'll get pissy at me because I didn't tell her.." She says laughing light heartedly. 

"It's fine" I say, sounding a little bit more pissed off than I meant to. 

"Well it's obviously not.." She says, sounding a bit hurt that I'm acting off with her. 

"Look it's just embarrassing.." I say quietly. 

"I think it's hilarious, as long as my dad doesn't find out.." She says. 

"You do?" I ask. 

"Yes, and you don't need to worry about it, it's natural right?" She says. 

"I guess so.." I say, starting to feel slightly more amused by the whole situation, I'm actually amazed how she's cheered me up, but I know the press would have a field day if they found out. 

"So I don't actually know where I'm going, care to ,lead the way?" She asks as we get nearer to the track that runs down to the beach. I nod smiling, I wish I could hold her hand or put my arm around her waist or something, but that would be too forward. As we emerge onto the white sand the sun washes over me making me smile. 

"God why haven't I been down here yet?" Says Flora wiggling her toes as she walks slowly towards where the turquoise waves are lapping the shore. 

"Seach me" I say following her, the beach is almost empty, and it's so peaceful. She takes a few steps into the water, I follow her kicking off my shoes at the shore, she wades in until she's thigh deep and I'm about knee, the waters cool as the sun beats down, she looks at me, well I think she is I reach out gently and push her sunglasses onto her head so I can see her eyes, almost matching the cool waves. One of her hands gently finds it's way into mine, and then the other, I look at her again, and she smiles slightly, it's empty why the hell not, I don't understand what her gesture means though. 

I lean forward experimentally, the first,sober, completely natural kiss we've had, I think she must be strainging to reach me, I probably have just under a ft on her after all, but I don't want to break the touch of our hands, our lips finally meet after what seems to me eternity and it feels good, her lips taste salty but her mouth still slightly minty from where she cleaned her teeth back at the villa's.

"" She says pulling away, shaking her head as if she's arguing with herself. 

"Why? no-one is here?" I say sadly. 

"Just no, I said this morning, this was an accident okay" She says. 

"Oh.. okay?" I say lightheartedly, I know she's slipping, it's been less than a day and she's kissed me, I agree to myself to let things happen as and when they do. I turn around and there's a man just darting off up the track, he has  black trousers and a jacket on, perculiar thing to be wearing in this heat. 

"Harry?" I hear Flora. 

"Mmmhmm" I say turning back around still confused at that man. Just then I get a faceful of cool salty water. 

"Ughh!" I exclaim laughing and spitting. She's too busy laughing at me to notice my next move I use all of my strength to send a small wave crashing over her, she falls over aqnd I splash her more while she kicks back at me, she manages to stand up and fight back and she somehow pushes me into the shallows, and she falls on top of me in the process, soon we both surface both minus victory coughing and rubbing our eyes of salty water. I look back and see the man running off up the track again. This is total mind fuck, he really did just leave, I ignore him, and decide to quickly move on. 

"Are you hungry yet?" I ask a soaking Flora, she stands up and I adjust her hair so it's over the purple splodge. She rolls her eyes at me. 

"Starving" She nods.

"Good come on" I say, deciding to hold her hand gently, in a friendly way I suppose, until we get to town. She doesn't move otherwise so we start a friendly banter, and I decide not to tell her about the guy, I have a horrible gut feeling about who he may be.

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