It's complicated - Chapter 11

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Flora p.o.v

I practically rip the packaging off my new Blackberry, mum finally gave in on getting me a new contract, and I haven't spoken to Harry since the night before he left three days ago, I haven't been able to skype either seeing as I'm laptop banned. 

I set the time and date, and scrabble for the piece of paper in my desk draw I find it and smile at his scrawl putting in the numbers and setting him as 'Haz' , I pause for a second sighing before I press call. I sigh , I'm gonna be greatful to hear his voice. 

"Hello, yes you got Harry Styles, is this a fan, hi fan, are you an English fan because that's an english number, are you hot bec-" 

"Harry it's me! what are you chatting on about?" I say laughing.

"Oh, hi,god where have you been!? I don't know, I like to vary it when I get unknown calls" He says. 

"I can tell" I say still laughing. 

"So how've things been?" He asks. Just then I hear my mum shout at me from downstairs. 


"Floraaa, your dads on the phoneee" I say in a naggy voice making Harry laugh. 

"I'll call you back in 5?" Says Harry. 

"That'd be ace, talk to you in a bit" I say, dumping my phone on the bed and running of downstairs. 

"Hey dad" I say brightly. 

"Hey, Flora Dora, I want to ask you something, because I might have been a bit harsh on you the other day" He says, hope rises up in me but I supress it and play cool. 

"MmmHmm?" I say questioningly.

"Do you really like Harry?" He asks. 

"Yes..?" I say. 

"Well, I'm going to make a deal with you, if he manages to stay out of trouble of the female kind out here, and you two stay out of the papers as a couple, then I'm happy for you to go ahead" He says. I feel like doing a victory dance , but obviously I'm not going to, because mum's giving me funny looks. 

"Yes!.. emm that's great, I'll see you on Friday then!" I say. 

"Bye Dad!" I continue before he has a chance to say anything else.

I pass the phone back to mum and take off up the stairs as my phones ringing, I grab it and answer out of breath. 

"Hey!" Says Harry. 

"Hey guess what!?" I say exitedly.

"What?" He says laughing. 

"Dad said we can go ahead.. if we want to, and if you're a good boy" I say. 

"I know! he said" Harry laughs. 

"That's good right?" I say, I'm really suprised how enthusiatic I actually am. 

"It's great,Flora.. I'm definitely not complaining, but before all this happened I thought you didn't want to go out with me, I thought we were going slow, I thought that's what you wanted" He says, I think about this. 

"We still are.. but now that thing in the paper is out and my dad knows, I don't know.." I say feeling suddenly unsure about the whole thing, I've had no contact with twitter so god knows what people are saying about me.

"I didn't mean to change your mind! honestly don't worry about it now, I really want to go out with you, you know that" He says. 

"Yes, but you're right , I should see how the fans are taking it first" I say. 

"No I didn't mean to sound like that, I was just trying to think about what you want" He says almost like he's pleading with me. 

"Look, I'm not saying we can't give it a go, after everything, we might aswell, but take it slow okay" I say glad I've thought about it a bit more. 

"Okay but you're still coming on that date ?" He says. 

"Of course I am, wouldn't miss it" I say. 

"Great, I have plans for you.." He laughs. We talk for what must be another hour and a half. I have actually missed him loads, eventually I have to go, I never realised that I have my shift at the starbucks down the road where me and Lauren work, she'll be waiting for the gossip no doubt.

"Haz, I'm so sorry! I have to go, I'm late for work" I say. 

"Oh okay, where do you actually work?" He asks laughing. 

"Starbucks" I laugh. 

"Omg I could totally do a Starbucks right now, anyway bye! make sure you text me later" He says. 

"Byee!" I say reluctant to hang up.

I grab my bag and drive as quickly as possible to Starbucks parking round the back and going through the back entrance pulling my apron around me on my way past. Lauren stops serving a grumpy looking man his cappucino and looks at me. 

"What's the goss!?" She whispers as I serve my first customer. 

"Nothing really, I got a new phone" I say. 

"Oh yes, I forgot you smashed up the other one, I guess that's why you're so late" She says. 

"I'm not that late" I say.

"Nope just an hour" She says, I look at the clock and realise she's right. 

"God, I'm sorry!" I say. 

"No sweat, you're lucky the boss isn't here, but then again, we're a tourist attraction, you wouldn't beleive how many One Direction fans I've served this morning" She laughs. 

"Great" I laugh in sarcasm.

"Cheer up, god, there's no pleasing some people" She says finally giving the man his cappucino with a winning smile. I don't know whether that comment was aimed at me or the man but I smile back anyway. 

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