It's complicated - Chapter 29

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Flora p.o.v

I fianlly get get to my break, I've been rushed off my feet all morning, it's been so busy, and I've been bombarded with people asking questions, and asking for photo's and staring at my stomach, I wish it never got out. 

As if I need extra hassle, work on it's own is effort enough. 

Lauren comes in. 

"Haven't seen you all morning, it's like someones moved their whole town here and they all want a cup of coffee" Says Lauren, flopping down with a packet of dorito's. 

"You'd think so wouldn't you" I say.

"Yeah, I mean I don't know how many times this morning people has asked me if you're pregnant, and do you know what I said?" She says. 

"I don't know Lauren, what did you say?" I ask smirking. 

"I said, 'what do you think?'" She says. 

"I have to admit, I did wonder why your customers kept staring at me" I say. 

"Well yeah, and then most of them shuffled off awkwardly, I mean it's all over the newspapers, they need to get over it" She says. 

"Sorry it's such a bother for you" I say. 

"No stupid! it's not that, people are such gays" She says. 

"Lauren, you're still a person" I laugh. 

"Oh, well anyway, did you get any hate yet?" She asks. 

"No, I'm checking twitter for the first time in ages now though" I say opening it up, I look at my followers which have rocketed, and scroll through my mentions. 

Most of them are really sweet comments and people asking me to confirm it and stuff, I ponder about that, there's only a few hateful things. 

"Should I confirm it?" I ask Lauren. 

"Aw do it!" She says, now looking through twitter on her phone. 

So I decide I will, I tweet ; 'Yes, just to confirm, I'm pregnant, yayy :)' I laugh at myself, I never tweet with a smiley face, it seems so cliche, but it'll have to do.

I get replies withis 30 seconds, bad things, good things people asking Harry to confirm it because they think I'm lying, I just exit it, I can't be bothered to listen to all that.

"Aw I just tweeted you though!" Says Lauren. 

"Yeah, but I don't want to read what people are saying about me" I say. 

"I was defending you" She pouts at me, putting on a sad face.

"Sorry, I'll look later, promise" I say, closing my eyes and resting a hand on my stomach, I could totally drift off right here and now. 

"Don't go to sleep on me" Lauren mumbles from the other side of the room. 

"Okay, sorry, how long we got?" I ask.

 "5 minutes" She says.

"Ugh, why can't we just go home now" I moan. 

"Search me" She says. Just then she goes to answer her phone to Louis, so I could have had a power nap anyway.

We're soon back on shift, and Rose and Alan come in. I can't help putting on a smile for them, they're the only routine thing in my life at the moment.

"Hello!" I say. 

"Hello dear" Says Rose, Alan gives me a satisfactory nod, I smile. 

"Do you know what I must say, I must say congratulations! I heard your news, it was on the papers, and do you know what? I said last week that you looked different! didn't I Alan?" She says. 

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