It's complicated - Chapter 36

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Harry p.o.v

I watch her stir, so badly wanting to intervene, the doctors have been keeping her out cold for two hours, and it's hell to have not spoken to her for two days then having to leave it, but I'm in a better position than Lou. Lauren's in a bad way, like really bad during the raid, she got shot in the top of her leg, and she's only just come out of surgery, but there's word she could go into a coma. 

I want to be with Lou, but he has the other girls and boys, I want to be here for Flora. 

"Harry?" She says, in confusion, I stand up walking slowly over to the side of her bed. 

"Hey Flo" I smile stroking her forehead gently pushing the hair off of it.

"What happened?" She asks. I squash her over so I can perch on the side of the bed. 

"We got you and Lauren out" I smile. 

"You did?" She asks. 

"Well obviously" I laugh. 

"Have they done tests and stuff, are the babies okay?" She asks putting a hand on her stomach. 

"They're fine, don't worry about it, I can feed you up again, are you hungry now?" I ask. 

"Yeah, I mean,no! what happened with Lauren?" She says getting all panicky. 

"Calm down! it's okay,let me explain" I say, squeezing her hand. 

"I want to see her!" She says struggling weakly against my force.

"No listen first, she won't be able to talk to you" I say. 

"What" She says with horror. 

" that's not what I meant, she's in a coma.." I say. 

" what, how long have I been out?" She asks. 

"Only two hours, but Lauren got shot in the leg, she's okay though, promise" I say taking her hand and squeezing it tightly, she nods but she doesn't look like she's taken it all in, I pull her to me stroking her hair softly as she cries into my shoulder.

She sits back a few minutes later wiping her eyes as a doctor walks in.

"I gather you told her?" He asks. I nod. 

"Miss.Cleary's room is open if you do want to go and see her?" He says. I look at Flora and she nods.

I still hold onto her hand as I guide her out of the room. 

"Louis' pretty torn up, so go easy with the emotions okay" I whisper as I lead her down the eerily empty corridor. 

"As if I could control my emotions,even if I wanted to" She says. I laugh slightly as we round the corner, the others are outside the girls leap up enveloping Flora in a hug. 

"God, we were so worried about you and Lauren!" Says Faith. I think Flora's too busy trying to control her emotions like I told her to. 

I can see Lauren through the big glass window, lying pale and flat backed on the bed, the monitor beeping steadily, she could be asleep for up to a week, so distant and far away, I can hardly imagine how Lou must be feeling. 

"Should I go in?" Flora turns and whispers to me. 

"Yeah, Lou might talk to you, he hasn't said a word for two hours" I say, I've never known Louis to say nothing for more than 10 minutes and even that was a bet. 

Flora nods and opens the door, I debate with myself whether to follow her or not, in the end I decide not to. I suddenly notice a police officer. 

"I need a few words with Flora, just a statement, and also we need to know what went on in there" She says. 

"Not yet, she's still a bit emotional and stuff, let her have a minute with Lauren" I say.

"Yes Mr.Styles we understand she's in a fragile condition, we won't dig too deeply I promise" Says the officer. 

"Good" I say matter of factly. It gives me chills, but it also makes me angry, thinking about him, I found out who he was, yes I did, and I can personally say, to break his nose would be worth the punishment. 

I know we'll have a whole lot more hassle once we leave the hospital, it will no doubt get out in the press. So, I hate it, but the plan is as soon as Lauren's awake we're going to lock ourselves in the studio in L.A and wait for the drama to die down.

I look through the window and see Flora talking, I don't know whether it's to Lauren or Lou. 

I go in quietly and she looks up. 

"Louis was telling me she'll definitely wake up within the next week, that's great news right?" She says earnestly. 

"Yeah, it's good" I smile. 

"It's gonna be a long week" Murmurs Louis as I sit next to him. 

"I know mate, we'll keep you busy" I say.

We end up getting a take-away at the hospital, seeing as Flora has to stay over night anyway, and sitting in Lauren's room. 

"If you can't come to the party, we'll bring the party to you Loz" He smiles. 

"Flora, can I talk to you for a sec" I ask, pulling her up by the hand. She nods. 

"I'm tired now anyway" she murmurs yawning. 

We get to her room, and she sits on the bed. 

"So?" She asks quietly sitting cross legged, I sit opposite her holding her hands gently. 

"Well, you know how much hassle this will be for the band when it gets out in the press?" I say. 

"MmHm" She says quietly. 

"Well...well your dad and Ron, think it'll be best if we head to L.A for two weeks, no longer, just to let it die down, when Lauren's awake and well, obviously" I say. 

"But Harry, there's only 10 weeks until the babies are born! And fuck what my dad says!" She says panicking. 

"Love, ten weeks is ages, and whether you two are friendly or not he's still legally in charge of us" I say. 

"Fine, if you don't care about us! then go" She says angrily. 

"Don't be silly, you know I care about you, more than anyone, don't do this" I say. 

"If you did you wouldn't go!" She says angrily, getting up and heading towards the door. 

"Flora?" I say just as she's opening it. She turns round looking at me, I stand up and pull her into a hug, kissing her damp cheeks. 

"It's okay, two weeks will fly by, wanna know something? I got us a house, I'll show you tommorow" I smile to myself as I hear her gasp, I plant the keys with a jingle into her jeans pocket. 

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