It's complicated - Chapter 15

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Flora p.o.v

The first thing I wake up to is a text, I look at it. 

'RISE AND SHINE MOFO, FIRST DAY BACK AT SIXTH FORM! HAVE YOU DONE THAT HISTORY ESSAY? xxxx' Lauren seems unusually over exited about it all, we've only been on study leave a few months, which I'm greatful for, seeing as I know today I'll have to face the 'are you dating Harry Styles?' crap that is unavoidable. 

Before I even have a chance to respond, I curl up due to the sudden pain in my abdomen, I manage to reach the toilet just in time, I'm wondering whether to call Lauren and tell her I can't come in, but I know I'll be fine in a few hours, it's been weird the last few days like feeling ill on and off, especially in the morning, and at the end of everyday I'm shattered even if I haven't done much. 

I lean against the bath, hoping my parents haven't heard anything, that's probably the best thing about having an en-suite, I wonder whether I should start getting ready or let my stomach mellow out a bit first, in the end I stand up ignoring the pain.

I pull on my pale blue super skinny jeans, and a cropped checked shirt,I look at my stomach,it's usually flat, but today it looks kinda round, not flabby though, which is weird, I breathe in but it doesn't really dissapear, I curse my body, realising I'm already late so grabbing my bag, phone and heading out of my bedroom door. Pulling my hair out of the french plait I slept in so it falls in waves down my shoulders.

I grab a banana even though I am actually ravenous, barely acknowledging my mum as I hear Lauren beep her car horn, I peel it as I get into the car. 

"Lauren do I look fat?" I ask straight away. 

"Nope don't be stupid" She says barely lookling at me and going back to texting who I suppose is Louis. 

"You didn't even look" I huff. 

"I don't need to" She says.

"Hm" I say. 

"God someone got up on the wrong side of bed this morning. Anyway we're stopping at MacDonalds for breakfast" She says starting up her black mini, she actually drives like a maniac I don't know how she passed her test, I should have taken some travel sickness tablets , especially this morning. 

"Well I'm not" I say. 

"What's wrong with you, you're not even fat, how can you deny a MacDonalds breakfast mmm nom" She says. 

"I feel ill anyway" I say grumpily, it's never been a problem for her she always has the perfect body, size 8, it's not fair.And I'm currently struggling with a size 10, I close my eyes leaning back in my seat as Lauren speeds through Chelsea. 

She pulls up at MacDonalds drive thru, my stomach growls, and I can't work out what I want, hunger pangs mixed with nausea is never a winning combination.

"Sure you don't want anything?" She says. 

"Nope, I'm good" I say as she takes hers. 

"You're mad" She says. 

"And you shoud be fat" I say. 

"Seriously what is wrong with you?" She says. 

"Nothing, I'm just stressed out" I say. 

"About what?" She asks. 

"Everything" I say. 

"Bit vague, be more specific" She says. 

"I don't know, I just haven't been feeling great, and I've put on weight and I'm nervous about going in today and..everything" I finish. 

"Flora don't worry about your weight okay, I haven't noticed a difference at all, and if you carry on like this I'll have to tell Harry, and you don't want that do you? no you don't"  She says. 

"Don't tell him! he'll get upset" I say. 

"Well say no more about it then!" She says. 

"Okay fine" I say. 

"Well I'm glad we got that sorted out" She says grinning at me, technically she's just blackmailed me but I can let it pass, I'd never live it down if she said anything to Harry, I know how much he hates stuff like that.

Lauren parks and it's instantly embarrasing our sixthform is part of a secondary school, and we can't even blend in because we wear non-uniform.

As we get out it seems our route takes us through the year 7 chilling area, they all stare though two scared to ask a sixth former anything. I just want to sit down, I'm feeling ill again anyway.

We finally reach the common room and find our group of friend's they already know about us and the boys anyway so luckily no sweat there, the bitch from our year approaches with her posse and asks snootily if it's true. Lauren says her an Louis are which is fine because it would probably be weird if they weren't dating considering how all over each other they are, when she asks about me and Harry I just shrug and say no comment, I suppose Harry and Louis make her pathetic posh boy, captain of the rugby team boyfriend look slightly inferior.

The bitch starts spreading round the school instantly and by lunchtime Lauren's being plagued with questions and twitter names to give to Louis, even some of the year 7's have plucked up the courage. I try and be nice but I'm tired already and I've had two exams today. 

We're sitting round the lunch table when my phone rings, I excuse myself, smiling at the caller I.D and finding an empty Geography classroom where I shouldn't be disturbed.

"Hey there" I say answering. 

"Morning, Afternoon, whatever it is, how are you?" He says. 

"Ugh I'm okay, I was sick this morning" I say. 

"Why are you there then?" He asks. 

"Because I had exams, and essays to hand in" I say. 

"Sounds brillaint, actually so glad I managed to skip all that" laughs Harry. 

"Well it's alright for some" I laugh. 

we speak for the rest of the hour and when the bell rings I'm dissapointed. 

"Can I see you tonight?" He asks. 

"Definitely" I say smiling.

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