It's complicated - Chapter 25

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Flora p.o.v

I step into Media Studies, trawling behind Lauren who is her usual carefree self, I'm shattered though, not to mention boiling hot, I'm in the middle of like a hot flush or something, and I can't take this sweater off. 

We're just continuing with coursework I fling my bag down pulling my laptop out, as does Lauren, once the rush into the classroom settles and and work chatter begins the teacher spots me, he's actually really alright out teacher, he's pretty good looking, I have to admit, about 25,tall, with blonde wavy hair, a bit of stubble, grey eyes, and he seems permanently tired, atleast half of our friend's fancy him, I heard on the grape vine someone even got off with him a while ago, but that got cancelled out pretty quickly. 

He walks over and Lauren looks up as do I. 

"Ah Flora! it's good to have you back" He says perching on my desk. 

"Yeah, it's good to be back" I say, not really paying too much attention to him, otherwise he'll get a good look at my face, see that I look really hot and bothered, then tell me to take your jumper off. 

"What was wrong then? I mean I know you were ill, but it must have been pretty bad" He says. 

"Yeah,I was really sick.. and I had fever and stuff" I say vaguely. 

"Well I hope you're feeling better, and you're not too behind" He says, grinning at me with his perfectly white teeth. 

"No, it's okay sir, she's been swatting at home" Says Lauren. 

"Well good, you're looking a bit hot actually Flora,for gods sake take that jumper off! it's sunny outside!" He says. 

"Oh" I'm fine I say. 

"No, I insist, I have a good reputation, I can't have you passing out in my lesson" He says. 

"Okay" I say nervously, shooting Lauren a look that shouts help. 

I pull the jumper off, I'm wearing a blue flowery blouse that's tyed at the bottom, just below my bump, I think the pattern probably covers it a bit, but let's just say, it's not how it used to look. The rooms nice and cooling, as the air hits my arms and chest I find myself sighing with relief. 

"That must feel better" He says, finally leaving us alone, luckily I was sitting down the whole time. I turn back to my work, then I realise something. 

"Shit, Lauren, I left my memory stick at phsycology" I say. 

"Go get it then clever" She says. 

"I can't, he'll see!" I say. He's still staring at us. I dash out the door luckily we're sitting near it, I hot foot it to phsycology, muttering explanations and grabbing it. I manage to get back to my seat undetected. 

The bell rings and I don't even hang about to put my jumper on. I'm nearly out when I hear my name. 

"Flora, a word please?" I hear, I turn giving Lauren another 'help me' look and she signals she'll wait outside, I hold my books in front of my stomach gently. 

"Yes?" I say, taking a tentative step back towards him, and standing awkwardly. 

"Sit down?" He says friendlily. 

"Sure, so ?" I say. 

"Well, I just wondered, if, if" He pauses and I frown as he changed tack. 

"I wondered if you were okay?" He says. 

"Why shouldn't I be?" I say bluffing myself out. 

"Well, because obviously, everyone has seen the stuff in the papers, and with all that then,I was with my wife,and I happened to see you in the maternity waiting room at kings cross hospital last week?" He says. 

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