It's complicated - Chapter 37

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Flora p.o.v

I stir as my phone rings, I've fallen asleep on the bed instead of in it, as per usual, the TV's still blaring and where the light's on it hurts my eyes, it's only half 11.

I smile and answer anyway as I look at the caller I.D. There's only 5 days until Harry's back and we can get started on the house, which by the way, is absolutely amazing, it's in Chelsea and it's 4 bedrooms and three stories with a white door and like huge windows it's so cute.

"Hey!" He says. 

"Hi" I murmur. 

"Oh god, sorry, I woke you up didn't I! I thought it was kinda late but I wanted to talk to you for a bit, and say goodnight and stuff" He says. 

"Haz, it's fine, I was hungry anyway" I laugh. 

"Good, how are you and the little one's?" He asks. 

"We're a bit cold actually" I say. 

"Well turn the heating up then, what are you wearing?" He asks. 

"Oooh, was that an attempt at being kinky Mr.Styles?" I ask laughing. 

"No! I was checking you were wearing the right clothing, because it could be a solution as to why you're cold, and not unless you want it to be?" He asks with humour. 

"Nah, I'm good , but I'm wearing, comfy shorts, knee high socks, and... your Fred Perry sweater if you really want to know, oh and your beanie hat, the khaki one that you forgot to take with you, yeah that one. And it's quite a winning combination" I say. 

"Well sounds like you have a good hat, and jumper at that, so I don't see what your issues are? Oh wait, your issue is you're totally bi-polar and pregnant, how could I forget" He says. 

"Ooooh, don't go getting at me because you forgot your favourite ickle hat harry warry" I say laughing. 

"Hm whatever, I miss you more than the hat" He says quietly.

"Awh, I miss you too, more than.. more than.. more than oreo's" I say, in all seriousness. Oreo's are my favourite thing.

"Really? You know what I feel so loved" He says trying to keep it humourous. 

"You should do" I say, feeling my voice wobble, I know we're trying to keep the tone light, but I miss him so much, it's hard to keep it all bottled up. 

"You know what, I really do" He says with no hint of sarcasm this time. 

"I love you" I whisper, I think he heard it but it's hard to tell through the sound of me crying. 

"I love you too, more than anyone.. ever" He finishes. I can't stop the tears now, I try and gulp them back. 

"5 days is a stupid amount of time" I fianlly manage to get out, I hear him laugh. 

"It's not funny!" I say wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"No, defininitely not" He says. 

Just then the door opens. 

"Flora are you okay?" Asks Lauren putting her head round it, I cover the speaker with my hand. We're keeping each other company in the boys flat while they're away. 

"Yeah, you know how it is" I say as she notices the phone. 

"Oh, okay, sorry I'll let you talk, come for a chat after if you're feeling down okay?" She says. I nod. 

"I have an idea" Harry says. 

"Let's hope it's a good one"  I say through tears. 

"Stand up!" He says. 

"What?" I ask. 

"Do it!" He says. 

"Ughh okay. what now?" I ask. 

"Go to the balcony, but don't get too cold, and look at the stars" He says. 

"You're a nutter, but okay" I say, as I get out I see how clear the sky is, all the stars twinkle in the velvet black sky. 

"It's pretty" I say. 

"Remember this for me, later when it's dark here, I'll look at the stars, and you'll know, I'm thinking about you, and vice versa right?" He says softly. 

"Right" I say quietly gazing up at the stars. And sniffing, determined not to cry again. There's silence and I can just hear him breathing. 

"Look at the stars..look how they shine for you, and everything you do.. and they were all yellow" He sings the song by Coldplay, deeply, and quietly, but he hits all the notes perfectly, of course he does. 

"Stop making me cry" I say laughing through tears, but they're happy tears, obviously. 

"Sorr-" And then he's cut off by a sound, the squeal of brakes. and the line goes dead one long monotone beep. 

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