It's complicated - Chapter 17

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Flora p.o.v

I sit back up from the toilet, I feel so rough, I would totally go to the doctors but I don't feel well enough to even get myself there, I've missed like three days of sixth form and between crying,being sick and eating I actually haven't got time to do anything else. 

I can't even diagnose myself, one minute I'll feel sick and dizzy, the next I'll be really hungry, and then I'll be really upset, because of what happened I know we technically only went out for 2 months, but I'm so confused I can't beleive he did that, if he wanted to snog models he might as well have dated one, instead of using me. 

I deleted his number but I can guess the roughly 100 unknown caller, missed calls must have been him, I've ignored everyone's calls, told my parents I just feel really ill, I know Harry wouldn't come round, in case I've told my dad, which I haven't it wouldn't be worth the hassle for me. 

I'm just going to sit it out here, throwing up, and crying into my Ben&Jerry's, until someone ruins the utter fun that it is. 

I clean my teeth for the third time this morning when I hear a voice at the door. 

"Flora, are you okay?" It's Lauren, I sigh feeling ill again. 

"Yep, great" I say with sarcasm. 

I open the door and her and Louis are standing in my room. 

"Flora, you look rough"  is the first thing Louis says. Lauren elbows him. 

"Ow!" He exclaims. 

"Flora, what's happened to you?" Says Lauren, I roll my eyes I didn't think I looked that bad, I did wash my hair last night, and I have been in Harry's jumper and a pair of pyjama shorts for like two days but still. 

"Do I look that bad!?" I say. 

"No, you look fine, you're just really pale, and hot" she says putting a hand on my cheek. 

"I did say I was ill" I say. 

"Well we just thought because of what happened with H-" she starts but I cut her off. 

"Don't even talk about him" I say looking at Louis, he looks a bit guilty. 

"Okay, but it was an accident on his part, it was Juliette's fault" Says Lauren. 

"I don't care whose fault it was, it still happened" I say feeling like I'm going to cry again. 

"He's pretty upset" Says Louis. 

"You know what? good because I am too" I say unable to stop the tears so I bury my head under the covers. I hear them talking but I can't quite make out what they're saying. 

"Anyway, have you been to the doctors about this mystery illness?" says Lauren pulling my covers back in an attempt to make small talk.

"Nope, I feel too ill" I say. 

"If you're that ill why do you have all these" He says picking up a half eaten packet of dorito's and eating some. 

"That's why it's weird, when I'm not being sick, I'm starving" I say. 

"Well they taste okay" Says Louis having another mouthful. 

"Do you ever get the urge to eat something inparticular?" Asks Lauren , frowning thoughtfully. 

"Yeah, it's usually one thing, and then I get all pissed off if we don't have any" I say. 

"What about chocolate?" She asks. 

"Chocolate's always good" I smile for the first time in three days.

"Hm, sorry you have to be here Louis, but this has to be asked, are you on your period?" She says, I look at Louis awkwardly. 

"Actually no" I say, Lauren looks less confused now, I look at her questioning. 

"Wbhen did you last have your period?" I think quickly, I can't even remember, more than two months ago? but I've been so busy I haven't even noticed. 

"About two months ago.." I barely manage to choke it out, panic setting in. 

"Flora do you think you might be pr-" I cut her off again. 

"No,no I can't be.." I say tripping up on my words. 

"Flora. Forget whether you want to be or not, could you be?" She says. I nod, of course I could be, 8 weeks ago was the night of our date.

"Louis, go and buy some pregnancy tests" Says Lauren. Practically pushing him out the door. 

"Some what? Why?" He says, I suppose he totally zoned out on the word period. 

"Flora might be pregnant, okay just go, and don't say a word to Harry" She says

"Oh shit okay" He says as she shuts the door.

Lauren turns to me, I'm sort of greatful to have her take control it would only be a matter of time before I realised and had to face it myself.

"Are you alright?" She looks at me sympathetically. I nod but burst into tears again. 

"It makes sense though doesn't it? how you were complaining you'd put on weight? cravings,sickness, stomach cramps, everything" She says, I nod , I can't even manage to form words, then I wouldn't know what to say. 

"It'll be okay" she says, smiling at me, but it's okay for her, she's not pregnant, and if she was it would be okay because she'd have Louis, and I can't even answer Harry's calls let alone tell him I'm having his child.

"No it won't" is the first thing I manage to say.  

"It will, me and Lou will look after you" She says. 

"It's not that simple" I say. 

"It is, and you should forgive Harry because if it's his child, you're gonna have to tell him anyway" She says.

"He won't want anything to do with me" I say sobbing again. 

"He will, he's not like that and you know it" She says leaving me with those words lingering, as she goes downstairs to get me a drink, she comes back with three glasses of water. 

"I had to tell your mum me, you and Lou are all on the water" She says. 

"Well we are?" I say wiping my eyes. 

"No, these are all for you, we have to do three tests just to be sure, and three tests is alot of wee, so drink up, you're a rubbish wee-er , you don't even wee when you're drunk" she says, I smile through my tears. 

"I can't, I'll be sick again" I say. 

"That Flora, is a risk we're willing to take, drink up" She says handing the first glass to me.

Lauren makes me drink glass after glass until I'm bursting for a wee. I feel all sloshy when I stand up, I've probably drowned the baby. 

"Tell Louis to hurry up" I say. Just then he comes through the door. 

"Ugh finally" I say. 

"Well sorry, you wouldn't beleive how many funny looks I got, everybody probably thinks you're the pregnant one" He says to Lauren. 

"God I hope not"  She says, I give her daggers. 

"In hind sight we probably shouldn't have sent you" Says Lauren. I can't stand it any longer and grab the tests going into the bathroom, and doing them one after the other, I sit on the edge of the bath and ignore Lauren's shouts. When she says it's been 3 minutes I look.

positive 8-9 wks.

positive 8-9 wks.

positive 8-9 wks.

I put them down and barely have time to take a breath and process the result before I start crying again, I don't know whether it's hormones, or how much trouble I'm in, or both, I open the door and Lauren pulls me into a hug, Louis goes into the bathroom and looks at where I dropped them all in the sink.

"It'll be okay, seriously, don't worry" She whispers and I'm too hysterical to reply. 

I slide my hand under the jumper onto my hot skin and trace the slight curve of my stomach.

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