It's complicated - Chapter 13

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Flora p.o.v

A lively middle-aged man with dark hair and a strong italian accent wearing chef's whites come bounding up to us as soon as we get in the door. 

"Ciao!" he says. 

"Hey" me and Harry say in unison. 

"Coma thisa waya" He says, grabbing my hand and as me and Harry are linked together he comes to. 

"Ima teacha you how to makea perfecto pizzaa hey!" He says. I can't help but giggle at this man, he reminds me of when I used to go to Rome and visit my auntie when I was younger. 

"Ah she's a belle chica eh Harry!" He says, pinching my cheeks, I blush keeping I contact with Harry and trying to stop laughing.

"Yes, very" He says, I blush again biting my lip. 

"Ah so ima Antonio the besta pizza maker in englando, Harry he tella me you likea the pizza missy eh?" He says. 

"He's right" I say. 

"Ah Brialliante, so we make it grande mucho grande!" He says gesturing his arms out wide. 

"Mucho grande!" Harry laughs micking his accent and his hand gestures, I still haevn't stopped laughing. 

"Very gooda Harry, I teaching you wella, so you two loving birdsa you sharea yes?" He says. I exchange looks with Harry and nod.

"Go for it" He says. 

"That'sa greata, so we starta with the dough I give it to you and you rolla with the flour, you understand me-a? He asks. We both nod and he goes. 

"He was hilarious!" I say. 

"Aw Antonio's great, I'm a valued customer" He says. 

"I bet you are!" I say rolling out the dough. 

I start forming the dough into what I think is a pretty perfect circle.

"Hey Flozza ?" Harry says laughing. 

"Yep?" I say my tounge sticking out from concentration. I turn and get a face full of flour.

"Omg you didn't just do that!" I say shaking the flour out of my hair and sneezing where it's got up my nose.

"I did" He says, nearly crying with laughter. 

"It's not that funny" I huff going back to perfecting my pizza base, after a few seconds of silence. 

"I'm sorry" He says moving my hair behind my ear so he can put his face closer to mine. 

"Hm" I say, carefully gathering a handful of flour while he's not looking, then throwing it at him as he did to me. 

"Fine bring it on" He says. Throwing some back at me, it soon turns into a full scale flour fight and ends up with Harry pushing me against the wall threatening to put flour down my top, thankfully we're interuppted by Antonio. 

"Oha no! whata you do herea I cannota leavea you for 5 minuto!" He says. 

"Sorry" Harry says sheepishly, I give an apologetic look. 

"Oh noa worries! I finish of your pizza the Antonioa waya! you go and take a seata!" He says shooing us out of the kitchen. 

We sit down outside and I let the evening sun warm my shoulders. 

"You've been a really naughty boy, you started all that" I say laughing at him. 

"Maybe I have, and maybe I did, what are you going to do about it?" He says grinning at me. 

"I'm gonna punish you" I say, He looks at me grinning open mouthed, I suddenly realise how that sounded. 

"Oh my god, I didn't mean like that!" I say. 

"Shame" He mumbles but I just about caught it. I look at him for a second and he looks back. Why does he have to look at me like that? he must know how good he looks when he does it, I would kiss him now if there weren't a table and a bottle of wine in front of us. 

Just then Antonio interrupts the moment with the pizza, but then again I'm greatful at the sight of food, he puts the pizza down and it looks and smells amazing, I think that's mostly due to my perfect base structure.

Harry starts playing footsie with me while we eat, it's really funny except now I probably have a bruised ankle, by the time we finish it's nearly 11 and still warm even though the sun has gone down.

As we walk hand in hand back to the car I wonder what the deal is. 

"Is Louis at yours?" I ask. 

"Nope, him and Lauren are going out to a party so they won't be back until the early hours" He says. 

"Oh great" I say.

"Coming back to mine then?" He asks.

"I suppose so" I say.

As we pull up at Harry's I get out and he stands in front of me.

"I've had a good time tonight" I say. 

"Me too, definitely" He says doing the look. I wonder where this is going, I kiss him anyway, lightly but he chews gently on my lip, I want to open my mouth but I know once I let it happen there's no going back.

Fuck it, I open my mouth kissing him fully, and I'm enjoying it, his hands find their way onto my bum, and mine into his hair, after what must have been a few minutes we stop, both out of breath.

"We can't do this here can we?" He says. 

"No, we can't" I say he runs pulling me along, instead of going in the lift we run up the stairs, he unlocks the door and we collapse on top of each other on the sofa.

He wastes no time in regaining where we were, his hands are all over the place, but so are mine, it's weird because last time I did this, I was completely drunk, I don't remember a thing.

He starts on my neck, now this feels good, He works his way down my torso, and my senses are in over drive, it surprises me how good it feels, how I don't feel guilty at all anymore.

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