It's complicated - Chapter 30

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Harry p.o.v

I pull my phone from my pocket excusing myself from where we're all crowded onto the sofa's in our living room. I look at the caller I.D, it's my mum, I suddenly realise I haven't spoken to her in ages, compared to how much I usually chat with my mum, the last time I spoke to her was when I caleld her and told her that me and Flora were dating before it came out in the paper.

"Harry? why didn't you tell me before!" Is the first thing she says. 

"Sorry, I was planning to do it soon" I say, feeling a bit bad. 

"It's fine! but I can't beleive it, I don't want to have a moan at you, I'm not like that, but obviously it wasn't planned, was it?" She says. 

"No.. it wasn't.." I say. 

"Well, did you use protection?" She asks. 

"Yes! Mum please, we don't NEED to have this conversation do we?" I say rolling my eyes. 

"No, I suppose not, the deed is done, well congratulations!" She says. 

"Em thanks.." I say. 

"I'm going to be a grandma! can you beleive that?" She says. 

"No, you're too young" I say , sweet-talking her. 

"Oh well, how far along?" She asks. 

"Emm... 20 weeks?" I say, having to think about it. 

"How is Flora?" She asks.

"Oh I don't know, good I think, I guess, yep" I say. 

"Harry! don't be useless, you should be looking after her" She scolds me like I'm 5 and I haven't been taking care of my Hamster, which by the way died of natural causes, it really wasn't my fault it fell in the bath. 

"I am, she's just a bit bipolar at the moment" I say. 

"Right, okay, well , I haven't even met her yet!" She says. 

"I know" I admit. 

"What's your weekend looking like?" She asks. 

"Free actually" I say. 

"Great, you should come up!" Says mum. 

"What now?" I say. 

"Yes, you and Flora, I'll book your train tickets" She says. 

"Yeah, I don't know, I guess, lemmie just go ask her if she feels up to it" I say. 

"Yes, okay but make sure you don't make her feel like she has to, I know how it feels" She says.

"Make up your mind" I mutter as I beckon Flora into the hallway.

"Hey, mum just called, and she said she wanted to meet you and stuff, and I have a free weekend, so she wants us to go up there? I mean we don't have t-" I start but she cuts me off. 

"Of course we can" She says. 

"Are you sure?" I ask. 

"Yes, I'd love to finally meet your parents" She says looking up at me. 

"Okay, get packing" I say kissing her gently. 

"Hey, mum?" I say. 

"Yes?" She says. 

"Flora, said she can't wait to meet you" I smile. 

"Brilliant! I'll text you the train times, see you this evening, I have to go and get things ready" She says, sounding exited, she always gets exited when people come and stay. 

"Okay, bye mum!" I say. 

I head into my bedroom where Flora's chucking stuff into her holdall. 

"Haz?" I hear her ask as I'm pulling stuff out of my draws. 

"Yep?" I say. 

"D'ya think your mum will like me?" She asks, looking at me, and doing that face, that irresistible face, the sad/worried one. 

"Are you serious?" I ask. 

"Yes..?" She says. 

"How could she not like you?" I say laughing. 

"Don't laugh at me!" She says indignantly. 

"I can't help it, you're so funny babe" I say touching her cheek gently. 

"Hmmph" She grumbles softly, wrapping her hands around my neck, and having to stretch because of the height difference.

She looks at me for a bit, and I look back studying her eye colour, I love her eye colour. 

"We should hurry up" She says breaking away. 

"Mmhm" I mumble absent mindedly wondering what colour eyes our kids will have, and hair. 

We're soon on the familliar streets of Holmes Chappel this place is so De Ja Vu for me, people always come and talk to me but I've never seen them before, I notice the curtains twitch as we walk up the drive way, and then my mums at the door pulling us into a double hug, luckily no fans have caught on that we're here yet. 

"Hello, oh it's so lovely to meet you Flora, I'm sorry it was such short notice, I just couldn't wait to meet you!" She says, Flora looks a bit bewildered, and frankly, I'm not surprised mum can be a bit full on at times. 

"It's great to meet you too" Flora says smiling. 

"Well, lets get you inside, before anyone turns up" She says, pulling Flora by the arm, Flora shoots me a look over her shoulder, half terrified, half laughing.

I give her a reassuring wink and follow after with the bags.

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