It's complicated - Chapter 14

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Harry p.o.v

"I like that one" I say. 

"Which one?" She says. 

"That one" I say pointing to the purple dress. 

"Okay then, I'll try that one" She says going into the changing rooms, I lean on the doorway, and I can see her getting changed through the chink in the curtain. I'm genuinely surprised no-one's noticed me yet. 

"It's to small" She says opening the curtain. 

"Doesn't look it" I say. 

"It is, on the hips, and here" She says gesturing to her boobs. 

"Oh, shame I like it" I say. 

"Do I look fat in it?" She asks. 

"Definitely not" I say. Although I have noticed she's got curvier lately, but not in a bad way, just boobs, which are always good. 

"Okay, still I don't know.." She says. 

"I'll buy it then" I say. 

"No" She says. 

"Yes" I say, pushing her back into the changing room.

I end up paying for it despite her efforts to stop me.

By the time we finish shopping and have dinner it's nearly 9. I wrap my arm around Flora, which she doesn't even pay attention to me doing now, it feels natural. But it has been 8 weeks since we started dating officially I guess,well since our first date, even though technically it's not official, as me nor Flora have confirmed it.

We go back to mine and everyone's there. Flora stops in the hallway. 

"I feel a sick, I'm just gonna go lie down for a bit okay?" She says looking at me, thinking about it she does look a bit pale.

"Yeah, are you sure you don't want me to come with?" I say. 

"No it's fine, I'm just really tired" She says quietly. 

"Okay I'll get you some water though" I say going through to the kitchen.

"Where's Flora?" Asks Faith as I acknowledge everyone.

"Gone to lie down, she feels ill" I say. 

"Why?" Asks Faith. 

"Is she okay?" says Lauren. 

"yeah, I think so" I say shrugging and carrying on to the kitchen.

I get some water and by the time I reach the bedroom Flora's curled up on the bed asleep. I roll her over so I can get my arms around her, she wakes up anyway. 

"Are you okay?" I say. 

"Yeah, I just feel really hot, and dizzy y'know?" She says, I frown putting my hand on her cheek. 

"You're boiling" I say. 

"Really?" She says biting her lip. I nod, pulling her jumper and top off and placing my hands on her hot skin. 

"Mm you're cold" she says putting her hands on top of mine. 

"I reckon you're coming down with something" I say. 

"I hope not" She says. 

"well if you are you'll just have to get over it and let me look after you" I say. 

"No way, I have to get home" She says getting up, groaning in pain and having to sit down again. 

"What's wrong!?" I ask in alarm. 

"Stomach cramp" she says looking at me, her eyes are watering.

"Told you, you were gonna have to get over it" I say as she buries her head in my chest in another bout of pain. 

"Mmmhm" Is the only reply she can manage. I rub my hand gently up and down her back until she falls asleep, she'll probably kill me tommorow for not waking her. 

I get up and head back towards the living room to tell everyone to quieten down, I get quite Paternal, I can't help it. 

"Guys Flora's asleep so shutup for a bit, thanks, night" I say grinning and going to get myself a drink. 

"Ooooh stressy" says Louis. As I walk back through. 

"Sorry but she's ill so.." I say. 

"Are you sure she's alright?" Says Lauren. 

"Yeah, just feeling rough I think" I say. 

"What's the symptoms Doc?" Asks Liam. 

"Emm, Fever, Nausea and Stomach Cramps so far" I say. 

"Great have fun" Says Lou. 

"Aw" Says Abbie.

"We will, night" I say shutting the door and going into my room, Flora's still asleep on the bed. I pull her jeans off gently pushing her carefully into the bed and covering her up, luckily she doesn't wake up so I creep in silence to the bathroom pulling on some trackies and my top off as I go.

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